Confessions and Heartbreaks

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Scott's POV

Kira please be okay . "Kira! " I couldn't focus my vision was getting blurry and I felt warm water running down my cheeks  and I finally realized how much I love Kira and now shes in the hospital dying and I was cheating on the girl I love. "Scott she's in room B345 upstairs but I can't make any promises that's she's going to make it. " I felt a hand on my shoulder and I didn't want to turn around I just went to kira's room. When I walked in the door I saw her body it's was completely white she already looked dead. "Kira if you can hear me I just want to..." I stopped when I heard the door crack open I turned it was Allison,stiles, and Lydia "Scott man are you okay" stiles asked rubbing my back. "They said she doesn't have a chance that she is going to die and it's all my fault." "Scott do you really believe that. You couldn't do anything to prevent that and you know it." Stiles argued , but it was true of only I would have stopped Allison and just left. "I have to leave Scott. " Lydia walked out and turned the corner and begin to cry. Allison was dead silent. "Allison I think you should go." I gestured towards the door. "Scott" she pleaded " leave.......please " I couldn't bare to look her way. This is all my fault and I had to fix and I had to start with ending it with Allison. Then telling Kira the truth and I pray to God that she forgives me even thougb I've messed up so many times. Gosh Scott how could you be so stupid to letsomething this good slip away so easily.

Allison's POV

I didn't know what to do.I could tell Scott was falling in love with Kira maybe he already was in love. Isaac walked through the doors and I couldn't look him in the eyes OMG what have I done I've ruined one of my best friends relationship and cheated on my bf  all because I was jealous and now he is going to lose her.

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