Secrets and lies

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Scott's POV

Her lips were so sweet nothing like the others something I had missed for a long time and wanted to taste for such a long time, I felt something sharp in my back and pushed her away. "Kira" I looked down a knife a Chinese dagger to be exact but why would kira have a Chinese dagger. Blood came pouring out of my body what was she doing I couldn't do nothing but look at the whole in my stomach, I looked up and saw Allison . "Scott" stiles yelled and I woke up. I shot up out my bed and felt my stomach and back nothing was there."Scott wake up your gonna be late I've been waiting for like 10 minutes get you furry ass dressed!" I shooed him out and got dressed.what did the dream even mean I was still in love with Allison or I was getting over her.

Kira POV

Scott and Stiles were late as usual what else was new. "Hey Kira have you seen Stiles anywhere?" "He should be here maybe you should call him malia. "As soon as I said something Scott tapped me on my shoulder "hey " I said "hey, so what are you doing Friday night I was thinking maybe we could hangout maybe around 7." "Uhm" "great see you then" he kissed my cheek and and walked away. "OK well looks like I have a date Friday night " . Malia just shook her head and smiled and walked away. Well that's a way to start a morning.

Scott's POV

Allison kept staring back at me in science class. It was kinda scary considering my dream this morning. "Scott Scott" I looked up Allison was whispering my name I just gestured a what face. "Meet me at my house after school." "Ok I'll just follow you". I wonder why she wanted to meet me after school maybe it was to talk about Isaac and there break up but wouldn't she talk to Lydia or even Malia. When the last bell rang I went to my bike and followed Allison to her house. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room. "So Scott I've been thinking you and I should have some fun. "She pushed me on the bed and hopped on top of me "Allison I get you and Isaac broke up but me and kira are still very together and you know this" "come on Scott we can just have a little fun remember how we used to be so in love and the cuddles and the kisses....." she paused "how bout I remind you " she leaned down and played with my hair and are lips played together for what seemed like years but it felt so good oh gosh I really f*cked up this time.

Kira's POV

It was 7:30 and I was getting tired of waiting for Scott so I just left but as soon as is started my car Scott's bike was stopped right next to my car." Scott's your gonna have to work way harder if you wanna win my trust back. "I said rolling my window down." I know and I'm trying I just had to meet up with stiles after school" "but stiles just left a couple of minutes ago looking for you he came by at like 7:10." WTF SCOTT WHY THE HECK ARE YOU LYING "oh uhm I didn't mean stiles I meant Lydia you know they act so much alike that I get them mixed up " " I know your lying Scott and I don't know why but feel free to call when you wanna speak up. " I pulled off and drove home. I didn't wanna cry and I didn't want to feel anything and with that I closed my eyes. SCCCCCCUURRRRRRR EEEEEERRRRRRR BEEEEEEPPPPPPP.

Scott's POV

"Kira!" I yelled I ran through the hospital doors.


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