New Years Eve Party

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2 Months later.

Lydia's POV

Tonight was my big new years eve party and I've never been so anxious. I was wearing a laced  black and red dress slim at the top and flowy at the bottom (short of course). Stiles hadn't broken up with Malia and now I just don't know what we are. It's so hard to see the boy I love with another girl. The doorbell rang and I was drawn from my thoughts. "Yay. Guest." I ran over to the door. "Hello wel-" Stiles out of all the people Stiles is the first to show up. "Hi." He waved. We hadn't talked in like 2 months after are fight about him and malia. "Can we talk." I nodded motioning towards the living room. "Sure." We walked to the living room in an awkward silence. He sat down. I didn't know what he wanted to talk about but he was really nervous he was sweating like a pig and rubbing his pants like crazy. "Lydia I'm sorry for all this. Everything I put you through with malia and the mind games I honestly do love you...... but I love Malia as well." I turned my head to the side trying to hold my tears back. I took a long deep breathe. "Stiles please I can't listen to you confess your love for me than go and confess your love for someone else and you don't have to be sorry, just...." tears came falling down my face. "Just dont regret it." I was falling apart each word that came out of my mouth and each I loved you since the third grade that ran through my head. "I won't because your the one I want to be with. Lydia your the one I've been dying to be with since the freaking third grade" I smiled not believing my ears. "Me and Malia broke up the day after you kicked me out your room. I just needed time to tell you without hurting her or you." By this time he had gotten up and we were face to face. "Because hurting you is like killing me." He cuffed my cheek and are lips meet. Are lips moving in sync and his tongue begging for entrance which I happily granted. We pulled away both gasping for air. "Omg you have no idea how long I've waited for this moment." I said eyes still closed. I giggled "I love you Stiles stilinski"

Kira's POV

Tonight's was Lydia's party and I really didn't wanna go, but of course Lydia said if I don't go she'll make me regret it for the rest of my life. I sat on my bed trying to figure out what to wear. No. Wait maybe. No. What's the point. I got up and got in the shower. As the hot water ran down my bodied I kept thinking about the way Scott had held that night when we were at the animal clinic. He's hands were so secure and it felt like home. The water began to get cold and brought me out of my thoughts. I hurried out the shower and wrapped my towel around my body. Sitting back on my bed still not knowing what to were. It was 5:30 and I had am hour and thirty minutes left to get ready. Great. I walked over to my closet and shuffled through my clothes. I picked out my plaid dress and leather jacket . I put the cloths on my bed and went to the bathroom. I took my ponytail out of my head and brushed my hair out. It was already flat ironed so I really didn't need to do much so I started my make up. A simple black wing and mascara with rose pink cheeks and the finishing touch watermelon lip gloss. Taylor's favorite. I frowned trying to keep my self together. I took a deep breath and went to go get dress. After I was dressed I put on my jewelry. A silver heart braclet and the matching earrings. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. "You can do this just go in there with your head held high and a smile in your face. Fake it till you make it." I got up and put my shoes on and walked out the door.

Lydia's POV

There were so many people here already and the  rest of the pack hadn't even showed up yet. Scott he was on his way. And Allison was still getting ready, and of course Isaac is with her, and Kira..... well I haven't heard from her. I pulled my phone out and went upstairs to a quiet room. I dialed Kira's number and pressed the call button. It was ringing for a long time... "Hello" I jumpend at the sound of her voice. "Hey Kira you almost here." I asked. "Yeah as a matter of fact I'm at your doorstep." "OK come upstairs I need to talk to you about something." I said with excitement. "Okay I'll be up in 2." We hung up and I was so happy she came she finally left the lord forbidding room. 

Kira's POV

I headed upstairs and walked through the hallways looking for what room she was in." Hello Lydia" I yelled down the hall. "I'm in here" I walked towards her voice. "Hey, I'm so glad you made it how ya doing?" She hugged me and we sat on the bed. "I'm good how are you, I heard about you and Stiles not talking, I just can't believe it's been two months since you've talked to him. And to see him with malia especially after what happened." She laughed. "You really need to leave the house more often him and Malia broke up two months ago. And he confessed his love for me just before the party started." I couldn't believe my ears. "Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you. But what about Malia." "I'm happy for you too. And if you really wanna know, I'm okay with it, I knew it was bound to happen one day. I guess this was the day." We both looked up at Malia. "Malia I'm so sorry." Lydia said walking over to her. I got up too and went to give her a hug she took a deep breath and finally said. "I really could use a drink right about now." We all busted out in laughter. "Okay, let's go."

Scott's POV

I finally got to the party. I started to look for a familiar face. I looked around the whole room and found Stiles. "Hey!Stiles." I yelled across around the room. "Over here." He yelled back. I walked over to him. "Hey, why are you over here why aren't you with Lydia." I joked. "Haha very funny but for your Information me and Lydia are on very good terms. Very." He winked, but I was still very confused. "Ooooohh,I'm happy for you bro." "Thanks and the best part is Malia is totally cool with it." "That's great, look I'm gonna go look for Kira." He said Alright and I walked away. I felt my phone vibrate and I walked upstairs to talk on the phone I'm private. I went into the backroom and pulled out my phone. It said private number. "Hello." I answered. "Stay away from Kira for your own good Scott McCall. She is his and if even think about making a move on here I will rip your throat out." "Who is this." I asked getting angry. "Don't worry just worry about staying away from Kira understood... good nice talking to you Scott McCall." He hung up the phone. I rushed out of the bathroom and rushed down the hall checking ever room searching for Kira. She wasn't in any of the rooms. I ran down stairs. In need of search for Kira.
Where could she be. Kira please just be okay.

"Kira!" I yelled through the room. "Kira." I turned around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Kira. I grabbed her and pulled her into hug. "Your okay." I exhaled with relief. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be." "Uhmmm no reason." I lied but I didn't want her to worry tonight. "Ook well it's 20 secs away from 12:00 do you have a new years kiss your looking forward to?" "Uuggghhh no ...Yes. but I don't know if she would like me after I surprised her with it afterwards." "You'll never know until you try." She smiled and winked at me and honestly I was completely shocked. "5-4-3-2-1 HAPPY NEW YEARS."  I pulled her in close and are lips met once again after such along time, and boy did it feel good.

Who do you think called Scott's phone what do you think is gonna happen with Scott and Kira, Stiles and Lydia... will Malia secretly be jealous. Find out in the next chapter. And remember your a star so shine Bright..

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