The day after

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Scott's POV

I was waiting outside if Kira's house. Wondering if it is even appropriate for me to even be here. She had just lost her first love, and the last person she probably wants to see. I finally lifted up my hand to know on the door but when I went to knock it had been opened. "Hay Scott. Come on in." Mr.yukimura gestured insides. "Hello sir." I walked in. It felt weird nit being here in so long. "Kira's upstairs." He pointed to her room. "Thank you." I smiled and walked up stairs. I was scared to knock her door was closed amino could hear her quietly crying. It killed me inside. I finally knocked. "Kira, it's me Scott." "Come in." I walked in sliently. "Are you okay." I asked. She shook her head. "How can I be okay my first love just died in my arms. Right now I want to die." "Kira don't say that Taylor wouldn't want that for you. He'd want you to be happy." She shook her head. "How can I be happy when he's gone." She sobbed. I felt so bad. "Can you just please just leave I need some time alone." She asked her voice breaking each and every word. "Yeah. I'll see you later."

Lydia's POV

Everyone was safe and Stiles was okay. Well atleast for now. "Stiles have you broke up with Malia yet." I asked pushing him on the bed out of my way. "It takes patient, remember she's devolping she doesn't know how to handle a break up." I shook my head in disbelief . "Well your gonna have to leave. She's gonna figure out eventually and I don't wanna be around when it happens.". Hus mouth dropped and I could tell he wanted to say something but he didn't he just kept silent and left. I didn't know if that was the right thing to do it not but it had to be done.

Allison's POV

"Allison!" I heard someone yell my name from outside. I went over to my window and saw Isaac with a bouquet of flowers and a box if chocolates. I opened my window. "Isaac what are you doing here." He smiled. "We've never had a first date, and I think today would be the perfect day to go on a picnic." I smiled, and felt a flutter in my chest. "I'll be right down." I yelled out the window. I put my jacket on and jumped down from my window. He handed me my flowers red roses. "Beautiful. Thank you." I kissed him on his cheek. "Anything for you. Now come on I wanna show u something." He grabbed my hand and we got in his car.

Akiko's POV

Kira hadn't come out of her room all day and I was starting to get really worried. I needed to get my mine off of last night but I knew Kira wanted to be alone so I decided to call someone. "Hey you wanna hang out." I said into the phone. "Sure why not, it'll be fun to finally get to know you." "OK meet you in ten. Your place." "I'll be here." "Okay see you soon Derek."

Kira's POV

I felt horrible and wanted to die. But I knew that wouldn't solve anything. But maybe just maybe it'll take all the pain away that I'm feeling. Maybe it'll just make everyone's pain go away the pain they hate to see me go through and if I take it away maybe they won't have to go through anymore. So maybe I'll just go ahead and take the pain away. I got out of my bed and headed towards the bathroom. I looked at my self in the mirror my face had no emotion. My eyes were bleeding red. I opened my cabinet and began to look for and empty pill bottle. When I found one I left the bathroom and put my sweatshirt on and shoes and left out my window.

Derek's POV

"So any particular reason you wanted to come over ." I asked the beautiful young lady. "No...Yes,it's Kira I'm worried about her. She hasn't come out of her room and I know she didn't want to be bothered so, I came here." "Well, okay. Wanna go get some lunch??'' I asked. "Sure, were too." .............

Stay tuned to see what happens to Kira and what decision Stiles will make see what happens on Allison date with Isaac stay tuned .....

Sorry for updating so late I've just been so busy I'm so sorry I will be updating more but thank you for still reading my book and I really wanna thank you all for helping me reach 2k I love you all very much *kisses to everyone* and remember your all beautiful stars so shine Bright

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