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Kira's POV

"Taylor." I was in shocked for words. "How are you even alive I saw you die you died in my arms." I explained panting. "Babe just be happy I'm back." He pulled me into one of the tightest hug I've ever been in. When we pulled apart I looked him in his eyes. They were still the big beautiful pyppy dog brown eyes that I fell in love with and the same ones I watched closed the night of the fight. "Kira who is at the." I turned around and saw Scott. "Taylor." He was also shocked, "how are you here, how are you alive." He laughed, "geez I cant even get a Hello, or I miss you from my own girlfriend." Girlfriend. The word dawned on me like non other. "Girlfriend, I'm sorry did you just say girlfriend. Taylor you've been gone for two months now you don't think Kira has moved on." I turned and looked at Scott. "Scott stop." I whispered. "Kira is this true did you move on that fast, and....and with him." His smile faded away and his puppy dog eyes were no longer big and Bright and filled with life. "Taylor no it's not like that." "Then what is it because none of this is adding up." "It's complicated." I explained. "Actually it's not I have a girlfriend. Hannah!" I shook my head in disbelief. "Hey what's going on." "Taylor this is my new girlfriend Hannah." ".......girlfriend." "I mean if that's okay with you." A smile grew on her face. "Perfect." He smiled back "perfect." They kissed and went back to the living room. "What just happened?" I turned back Taylor who was completely confused. "I'm sorry Taylor I just can't do this right now excuse me." I walked outside trying so hard to hold my tears back. I felt someone grab my arm. "Kira I'm sorry for what happened I shouldn't have just came back thinking everything was just going to be okay." "It's okay it's not you." "Then what is it Scott forget him he's the stupid one for leaving you and picking Hannah over you." I smiled. "There's that smile I've missed." He wiped a tear away from my cheek. I looked up into his big brown eyes. Then next thing I knew our lips were moving in sync. I pulled away slowly in need of air. "Why did you do that?" He smiled. "Because I still l love you."

I know you guys probably hate me for this but I just had to twist it I know you guys want scott and Kira but I kinda want him to fight for it so we'll see what will happen. #^_^##^_^# thanks for all your support.

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