Just hold me all night long

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Derek's POV

"So do you ice skate?" Akiko asked while taking a fry off my plate. "Do I look like the kinda guy that ice skates to you?" I asked sipping my drink. "Your looks don't fool me sir on the inside I know your a big sweet fluffy Teddy bear." "No never and Teddy bears and me don't even fall in the same vocabulary." "Well today your going ice skating so come on."

Scott's POV

I was nervous leaving Kira how she was in the situation she was in. Maybe I should go check on her. No she told me to come back later and I respect that. But I just can't shake this feeling something bad is happening right now. I decided to go to the vet and help out to get my mind off stuff and plus I needed the extra cash.

Kira's POV

I got I'm my car and pulled off. I was headed towards deatons vet, I'd figure if I'm such a vixen I should at least use it to my advantage. When I pulled up to the vet I didn't see deatons car or Scott's motorcycle so I guess the close was clear. I got out if the car and went to the door it was locked. I looked in the place Scott said they kept the spare key.I put my hand in the bush searching for the spare. "Ouch." A got stabbed by a thorn. But I got the key.  I unlocked the door and closed it quickly. I didn't want anyone to catch me. I walked to the back and went straight to the medicine cabinet. "Come on wolf spain." "Hey Kira didn't expect you here, you looking for something." I turned around nervous. "Scott, uhm yeah I was looking for some medicine for my mother she is feeling under the weather...... and I'm a horrible liar." Tears began rolling down my face. "I don't know what I was thinking ....gosh how could I be so stupid." He ran over to me, "Kira your not stupid your just a bad liar." I guess he was hoping that would make me smile because he lifted up my head by my chin. "Now what were you really here for you can tell me. I'm here for you, you know that right." I took a deep breath. "I was looking for wolf spain." "Why would you be looking for..... Kira you weren't seriously thinking about killing yourself." I began crying more. "Yes, no, I don't know , I just wanted to take away everyone's pain including mine." "Killing yourself would have started a whole new pain no one could describe, Kira your so much better than this." "No I'm not I don't think I can go on without him." He wrapped his arms around me holding me securely as if he needed to protect me. "Just hold me please."

Derek's POV

"You've got this come on baby steps." Akiko was holding my hands helping me on this unexpected slippery ice. Ice skating was so not my thing. "I'm gonna let go now and your gonna skate by yourself" she let go and I began slipping and sliding " ugh I don't think I was ready for you to let gooooooo!" *BOOOW "Oh my gosh are you okay." I looked up and growled. "You know this is all your fault." "Heeyyy you should've been more careful it's not my fault your a clumsy klutz." She laughed and put her hand out to help me up. "Ouch!" She yelled as I pulled her down next to me. " hahahaha,Now look who's a clumsy klutz."  "Not funny" she slapped my shoulder playfully. "I hate you." "Oh you love me,come on let's get off this killer machine known as ice." I grabbed her hand and helped her up. "Wanna go back to my place and watch some movies." I asked her hoping she would say Yes. "Sure, you think Kira is okay." She asked rubbing her hands on her jeans. She was worried and it made me kinda of nervous. "I'm pretty sure she's doing okay." She smiled. Her smile was beautiful nothing like it  before her smile could make any man fall in love. She was beautiful a blind man could see that. "Come one I wanna take you somewhere." I grabbed her hand she gave me a confused look. "Trust me."

Allison's POV

He was amazing and I couldn't ask for anything more. The scenery was beautiful candles and rose petals it felt like a one big dream. A happy dream. "I have cheese cake, and cheese and crakers with sausage, which would you perfer." I looked up at him, and smiled. "Cheese cake please." He handed me a plate. "So what made you come back to beacon hills?" "I noticed that I was missing something.... you. Allison I know this is probably sudden but I think... I know that I'm in love with you and I don't want to spend another day without you." I was speechless. "I love you too."

Akikos POV

I was still worried about Kira but Derek was taking my mind off of my worries. "So what do you wanna watch horror,comedy,romantic or suspense." "Oh uhmm horror." He laughed. "You sure you can handle a scary movie." "I'm a big girl I can handle a couple ghost." I debated. "Okay we'll see." He put in The Conjuring. "Oh I can definitely handle this movie." "You know you talk a lot of stuff for a small girl." "Well I have to protect myself someway." He laughed. But I wasn't paying attention to his laughter I was staring at his smile. It was so Bright and filled with joy. I moved closer to him and unexpectedly he put his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't help my self I just had to. "What are you doin-" I wrapped my arms and legs around him and just kissed his sweet soft lips. "Akiko what was that." "Ugh" "Oh forget it." He pulled me in and kissed me again his hands rubbing my back, he started kissing my neck and I got nervous. "Derek.....I think. We... should.take it slow." I said breathless. He pulled away. "Ooh." I guess he'd got the hint out of why I didn't want to do this. "I'm sorry I didn't." He began to apologize but I cut him off. "It's okay it's not your fault, maybe I should go home." I got off him and fixed myself. "We can still finish the movie." I shook my head no. "No it's okay I've made it awkward enough." "Pleeaaassseeee." He begged. "Hhmmmmm, is this you showing me your Teddy bear side?" I asked beginning to sit back on the couch. He put his arm back around me. "I told you I don't have a teddy bear side." "Well okay I guess I can stay until the movie is over."

Scott's POV

She was sleeping peacefully probably for the first time this week. She began to shiver so I put a blanket over her.  She shivered even more. Maybe it's wasn't her being cold because her heart beat sped up. I laid down next to her to see if it would calm her down. Her heartbeat slowed down. I put my arm around her to make her calm down some more but I guess it made it worse. She jumped up out of my hold. "Scott. What am I doing here." She said a confused look on her face. "When I was driving you home you fell asleep in the passenger seat so I brought you here." "Oh so where's your bike." "Oh it's okay it's at the clinic." "Oh well I could take you to go get it." She offered (which was so cute to me). "No really it's fine, I'll just get it tomorrow. You wanna watch a movie or  something?" "Yeah, you got anything scary." "I think so I'm gonna down stairs and see stay here." I ran down stairs. I walked over to the the tv stand and looked for a scary movie. The babadook. Perfect. I went back up stairs. "I got the movie, I'm gonna make some popcorn." "Okay". I popped the popcorn and ran back upstairs. "Got the popcorn just the way you like at it." I handed her the bowl and sat down in the chair. It was a awkward moment of silent. "Soooo. Do you think you'll be ready to go back to school." I asked trying to make conversation. "No, I don't know how I'm gonna do it Scott. Looking over my shoulder not knowing he's not behind me and there. I just I could've done something to prevent it." She was trying to prevent here self from crying but it wasn't working. "Kira it's okay you're gonna get through this, you have so many people that lobe you here and will help you get through this." "How do you know." She asked her voice crackling every word. "Because I know you and I know your stronger than this." She smiled and nodded her head. "Thank you Scott for everything." I smiled, as flashback of the rave party when she said those exact words. "No problem." "You know you don't have to sit in that chair I don't bite." She giggled and this was the Kira I was use to the Kira I was in love with. 

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