Guess who's back

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Kira's POV
His eyes opened ever so slowly and softy. "Mmmmmm goodmoring." He said smiling. He kissed me on my forehead. His lips were so soft and sweet. "Good morning, how'd you sleep last night?" "Hmmmm considering the fact that I really didn't sleep last night,bad...but I did have a good night." I smiled. "Well I'm glad it was a good night." It was slient for a couple of minutes,until I looked up at the clock sitting on Scott's dresser. "Scott how fast is your clock." "Like two minutes fast why." "Its nine ten. I'm crazy late." I rushed up and starting throwing my clothes on. "Late for what?" Scott asked getting out of the bed. "I have to meet Taylor at the school he needs to be re-registrated at beacon hills high. I told him I'd meet him at seven,and were late for school." "Wait so your going to meet Taylor right now." "Yeah technically he is still my boyfriend and Hannah is very much still your girlfriend." "So what was last night,just a one time thing." "Scott Taylor just came back and I wanna help him get back on his feet....even if it means being with him .....and not with you." I looked up at Scott, he just shook his head. "Fine,do what you gotta do. I'm done." "Scott dont be act like this." "Kira I love you I do, but I'm being dragged along." "I'm sorry Scott its just not that easy." My eyes began to water. I shook my head I loved Scott and I loved Taylor. But Scott broke my heart and my trust for him. "I hope you and Hannah are happy." I grabbed my phone and ran out the door.
I pulled the up to the school rushing out of my car as I was wiping my tears. "Taylor I'm so sorry I'm late I over slept." I apologized. Angry was written all over his face. "Whatever, I don't need the help anymore." "Taylor I said I'm sorry what else do you want for me." "For you to stop sleeping around with Scott." I was in shock how did he know. "Yeah,I know Kira his scent is all over." "Taylor I'm sorry,but I wanna make this work between us please give me one more chance." He shook his head. "Am I gonna regret this." I smiled. "Maybe." I said giggling. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the school.

Malia's POV

My heart was aching and seeing Stiles with Lydia made it worse. He acts like their was never an us like he never even cared. And to make it worse he walked away like it was no big deal. I wiped my tears away and got ready for school. After I was done getting ready I began to walk to school since I stiles no longer picks me up.

Stiles POV
"Lydia come on I've been waiting for 10 minutes now and my stomach is carving food. How Long does it take to look for a simple key." "Longer than it seems. It would be nice if you could help." "Sorry babe my hands are uhmm to weak from the shortage of food in my belly." She rolled her eyes. "Found it. Come on." "FINALLY" I yelled in celebration. She grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the cafeteria doors. Everbody was at the table expect for ..... Malia. But Hannah was there hugging all over Scott, and as usual kira was all over Taylor trying to ignore the fact that she's jealous. "Hey guys." Everyone looks up and says hey. "Hey Hannah when did you start eating at this table." "Oh well I thought I might as well sit with my boyfriend and his friends." I choked on my juice. "Boyfriend. Uhm Scott can we talk like now." We both got and walked to a corner. "Dude what happened to trying to win Kira back. Not Hannah we barely now this chick for all we know is that she can be a psycho." "Stiles Kira doesn't want me she wants to make things right with Taylor." "Ugghh I know but its just something about them they just give me weird vibes." "Yeah I know its kinda weird how Taylor suddenly came back into our life's and Hannah what's wrong with her she is really nice and sweet." "No way,come on" we walked back to the table Hannah was staring at me really hard. "So Kira what are your plans for tonight." Lydia asked Kira. "Uhm I don't really know how about we all have a girls night and you boys have a boys night." "That's sounds nice." "Uhmm Kira I don't think that's a good idea considering the fact I would have to spend a whole entire night with the walking dead." I began to spoke up. "Yeah well your not really any better yourself considering you were just posses by a demon.'' I rolled my eyes. "Yeah well if the girls want us to do it I think we should be able to get along for their sake." Scott interrupted. "Thank you Scott, and us girls can get along what do ya say Allison." She turned her head towards Kira super surprised. "You want me to come.'' "Yeah you are apart of the gang and I don't want things to be weird between us any more. And Hannah your uhmm invited to I guess I mean you are Scotts.....yeah your invited." "Thanks." Everything was officially awkward. "I'll call malia." "Where is Malia anyway?'' I asked. "She was walking to school since you know she doesn't have a boyfriend to pick her up." "Well thanks for pointing out the obvious." It had gotten extremely silent. "Hey so does that mean I'm invited as well because I haven't really been invited to a lot of things lately." We all turned around and looked up to a familiar voice. "Jackson?!?".

Jacksons POV

"Hey why so surprised we all knew I would come back one day." I winked at Lydia who shyed away from the conversation. "So how has everyone been." "Great" I looked at three unfamiliar faces. "Who are these two lovely ladies and handsome gentlemen." "I'm Kira." "I'm Hannah." "And I'm-" "Taylor I know." "What how do you kno-" "I think we should just leave that as a mystery." Were they really hanging out with this guy maybe he's changed or maybe ..oh never mind .

Well that's all I hope you enjoyed sorry for the shortness. I'll try to update quicker. :-) :-) ;-)

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