Perfect night

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Kira's POV
"Okay Netflix, popcorn,candy, and drinks. Now the only thing missing is Scott." *RING DING DONG*. Finally. I rushed to the door. "Hey,come in." "Hey,I brought candy." "Mmm what kind?" "Sourpatches watermelon slices." He still remembers my favorite candy. "My favorite." We went and sat down on the couch. "What do you wanna watch." "Anything but Disney." "Awww what no fair." "I can't take another Disney sing along night." "Fine we can watch The Visit." "Okay." I pressed play and we began to watch the movie. "You scared yet?" He asked me drawing my attention away from the movie. "No are you?" "Nope." I was starting to regret picking this. I pressed the power button on the remote. "Thank you." "No problem, you wanna do something else?" "Yeah let's go walking or something." "Okay let me go change." I ran upstairs and went straight to my closet. "What to wear what to wear...." Nothing to wear, maybe I should wear some sweats and a plain that's to plain and boring, maybe I should wear some black and red stripped leggings and a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. "Yeah.." "Yeah what." I jumped. "You scared the crap out of me." I said finally collecting myself. "I'm sorry I'd thought you would have changed by now." "I was just getting ready to." "Okay I'll be downstairs." I changed as fast as I could. I made sure I had everything. Keys,phone,charger,my belt. I had everything now it was time to go down stairs.
"Ready." "Great,let's go." We headed outside towards his motorcycle. It was a beautiful day, nothing could ruin this. Not even a supernatural beast. We put our helmets on and he pulled off.

Scotts POV
Her arms were wrapped around me so tight... It was perfect. This is what I miss her tight hugs while riding on my motorcycle. Her sweet kisses on my face. I miss it all. We reached the trail. We took our helmets and began to walk.
"So Kira how's life." "Are you really asking how's life." What was wrong with that?!? "Yeah I wanna know how've you been." "I've been okay not great." She sounded so depressed. "Oh." "What about you, how's life treating you?" "Like shit." Didn't mean to sound so brutal but that's how my life was going right about now. "I'm sorry to hear that." I smiled, for some reason I felt like she actually meant that. Other half of me thinks she just say it because it sounds nice. "No need to be sorry." "Where exactly are we going?" I looked around not knowing where we were exactly. Just trees... "I don't know." She giggled. Which of course made me smile her laugh was so cute especially when she tries to not make it obvious that she's laughing,and the way her hands cover her mouth ever so slightly. Then she puts a strand of hair behind her ear. "Can we sit..down." She looks around. "Yeah sure." We sit down she lays back in breathes in slowly and out slowly. "It's so beautiful...the view. Just being out here makes you feel so peaceful." She says. I look up at the trees. It was beautiful. "So what's going on with you and Tayler?" I ask. Not trying to be nosey just....curious. "Nothing, I can't take the random flip outs and the secrets." "So you guys are done." "Pretty much..Why?" I look back down at her surprised by the response. "Ughhh no reason." It was a reason. I wanted to be with her. I want to be the one to kiss on her face everyday. The one to hug her and smell her honey blossom locks. She sat up. "Scott can I ask you something." "Yeah." "Do you..uhm.. Do you still love me." I was shocked by the question. Of course I still love her. "Of course. I never stopped." She smiled. I just wish I knew if she still loved me.

Kira's POV

Was he gonna ask me. Of course I still love him I've always loved him. Maybe he already knows that I still love him. WHY WASN'T HE SAYING ANYTHING. I guess he could smell my anticipation. Because he grabbed my hand. He looked up and we were looking in each other's eyes. "Do you still love me?" I smiled. Finally. "Always." He smiled, he cuffed my cheek and moved slowly towards my face. My lips were trembling. I'd long for his lips on mine again. But it was like it was something stopping him from actually kissing me. Finally are lips met. And it felt like heaven on earth. He bit my bottom lip, then his tongue slide on mine. His lips were so soft. I tugged at his shirt. Pulling him in closer,he picked me up and sat me on his lap. Were we really about to have sex in the woods....

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