Till death do us part

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Akiko's POV

"My flight landed safely and I'll be over there shortly." I said into the phone "okay well Kira is picking you up she should already already be at the airport. "Okay well I'll see you soon love you." I sat down,only to be grabbed by someone pulling me back up. "Hey!" I yelled at the tall black haired boy. "Found her." He yelled. "Ugh finally." "Kira. Who is this." "Derek I asked him to help me come look for you at the airport." "Well a little heads up would've been nice." I said snatching away from his grip. "Nice to meet you too." He said walking off. "Come on we gotta go kinda in a rush." "Okay let's go". We went to the car and off course I sat in the back so I could lay down. I was so tired it felt like I hasn't slept for days. And plus my head was banging with tension. I just hope Kira knows are secret. "So Akiko your are fire fox a Zenko Umi" I sat up with a confuses look on my face. "Ho-" I interrupted me. "I'm a werewolf I can sense it all over you." He said. "Kira do you know." I asked. "Yes that's why  I brought him." Kira said. "I wanted to know the truth." She looked back at me. "Well it's true." I responded. "Okay that's all I needed to hear." "Kira what's going on." "There's thirteen types of kitsunes and one is evil? Void." She asked. "Yeah so what." "Well were fight against a void and he has my bestfriend." "OMG Kira why am I just now hearing about this." "Because I didn't want you to worry about me I know how protective you can be." "Kira if course I'm gonna be protective your my little sister." I yellled."I know I should've told you but it just wasn't the right time." She replied calmly. "It's never the right time" she whispered. "Kira you know you can talk to me right." I said. "Yeah....I know." The rest if the drive was silent for me because I was mainly sleep the whole ride. But when I woke up I was in an unfamiliar bedroom but as I looked more at my surroundings I saw pictures of by family and I knew that it was Kira's room. I got up and started to look around some more. I saw a girl with Kira she had strawberry blonde hair and a blue flower printed dress. Then I notice a boy on the side if Kira he had brown hair big brown eyes and his jaw was kinda crooked. He was kinda cute actually, then I saw a boy with spiked hair and a bunch of cute moles his eyes were brown also the only one with different colored eyes was his girlfriend. The girl with the strawberry blonde hair. Or so I  think that's his girlfriend. "Knock knock." I turned my head to see my mom at the door. "Hey" I began to point at the picture in my hand. "Are these kira's friends." I asked. "Yeah, that's Stiles, Lydia..... and ugh Scott." She said with a sigh. "Oh so that's the douche bag whom broke my little sisters heart. I hate him already." I scold at the picture. "Yeah sure come on dinners done stairs and we have a guest." "Who." I asked "his name is Taylor."

Kira's POV

I started setting the table while I was waiting for Taylor to get here. Ding Dong. I ran to the door but my dad beat me to it. "Hello Taylor nice to see you." My dad greeted Taylor and invited him into the house. "Hey, I was thinking maybe we should invite you parents over." I suggested. "Oh uhm I don't think that's a good idea their still trying to wrap their head around the whole werewolf thing." He had told his parents about the whole supernatural things and about me and the oni and the nogistune and of course him being a werewolf. "Right well that's okay they'll come around." We walked over to the dinner table and meet everybody there. "Taylor this is my sister Akiko." I pointed to my sister. "Nice to meet you Taylor are you wanna of Kira's friends." She asked. "I'm her boyfriend we've been dating for 6 months now." Note: Kira hasnt talked to he sister since she left new York. "Okay well it's nice to meet you." She sat down and I could just feel her scolding me. I didn't make eye contact with her the whole dinner. I could just feel the disappointment from me not telling he about Taylor. But so much stuff was going on I just didn't want to tell her. After dinner me and Taylor went upstairs. "Kira why have I never heard about your sister." He questioned. "You never asked." I shrugged. "Oh well I don't think I should ask about your unknown sister." "You don't I'm sorry I never actually told anyone about her not even Scott only Lydia knows." "Well I still think you should've told me." "Yeah well I'm sorry we should get going we've gotta meet Scott and the pack at Eichen House." I grabbed my jacket and my katana and  headed down stairs. "Kira were ya going." I turned my head towards my sister. "Uhm school." I said nervously. "You know schools been out of session for at least 8 hours already. And last time I checked you can't take a Katana to school." "Yeah well I have practice." "Yeah well I'm coming just let me go get my katana." Ugh this is what I was trying to prevent. "Okay let's go."

Scott's POV

We were all suppose time meet up at Oak Creek. But I wasn't expecting Kiras friend. Allison and Isaac walked over by me at the gates and so did stiles he still looked very weak and he still had black circles. I hated seeing him like this. Then came Kira qnd Taylor..... and another girl. "Scott this is Akiko my sister she is a Zenko Umi." "Okay I don't know what that is but it doesn't matter now what matters is saving Lydia." I said. "Let's go then." And with that we left when we opened the gates we all felt a cool breeze and saw a black dark mist. The gates slammed and when we turned around Stiles disappeared. "Does anyone know were Stiles went." I asked and all of a sudden we were fighting the Oni. Everyone had completely forgot Stiles was gone and more worried about saving there life's.

Kira's POV

Each and everyone if them were gaining up on me then a tail flew into on if them and it disappeared it had been killed I looked behind me to see. Taylor's mom. She gave me a smirk and I smiled back. She knew all along about this and beacon hills. I started fighting again and with my luck Taylor's mom killed off mostly all if the oni that surrounded me. She jumped down from a ledge. I met Taylor at a gaze. "Mom" I could see that he was shocked and happy at the same time. "Okay you and akiko go find Stiles and Lydia we've got it from here." I ordered. Then his mom and akiko ran off it seemed like we had it under control. I turned my head to see how everyone was doing everyone was holding there weight then I glanced at Taylor...

Lydia's POV

"TAYLOR" I screamed it was to late he had already been stabbed.

Kiras POV

I met Taylor  at his gaze he  smiled at me. Then he looked away and looked

down.....He had been stabbed through the heart and his smile faded. "Taylor!" I ran towards and caught him. She was breathing heavy and I didn't know what to do but try to take the pain away. "I- I can't take away your pain." "That's because it doesn't hurt." "Taylor ." "It's okay.... it's perfect I'm in the- I'm in the arms of my first love. I love you Kira ." He smiled but all I could see was pain but not physical mental. I began to rock and cry "Taylor  please. You can make it please stay with me." I pleaded. "Kira  it's my time. I love you Kira Yukimura ." His eyes slowly closed and the sound of his heartbeat stopped and he was gone. 

Scotts POV

Kira was hurt and I wanted to help her but I know it wouldn't help at all..

I know you guys hate me but I have a new fanfic coming and it's gonna be all SCIRA no twist no Taylor and no break ups I just felt like I had to put a big twist in the story I'm so so sorry scira lovers I broke your hearts but it took a lot of thinking and decision making I hope you enjoyed.

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