My better half

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Kira's POV

I woke up in unfamiliar surroundings. I started to examine the room and after a feel looks I knew who room I was in and who bed I had slept in last night....Scott.

I heard shower water fear coming up my spine that I had did something I might regret later today because I wasn't in my cloths anymore I had one of Scott's shirt on. Everything that happened last night was a blur. I heard the shower water cut off and I began to sit up more. " that you?" I called out to the bathroom. When the bathroom door open alot of steam  came out along with and wet Scott in only a towel. The idea of Scott basically being naked under that towel freaked me. "Hay sorry did I wake you I was hoping you would still be sleep." "No it's fine......uhm we didn't you know do anything last night did we." "OH NO." "Thank offense." "Yea I just put that shirt on you because your cloths were soaked from last night." "Oh thanks I should get going my parents are, probably worried sick by now." "OK well your clothes are in the dryer their actually done I just kept them in there so the heat can stay." "Thanks well I'll see you at school." I went downstairs and got clothes out of the dryer and went into the guest bathroom that was in the hallway and changed. When I walked out if the bathroom I noticed I didn't have my books and ran back up stairs. I walked in Scott rooms only to find Scott with both my books and my book bag. "Forgot something." He looked up at me and handed me my books. "Thanks now I will be leaving." I walked out and got into my car and drove home. I walked I'm the door and ran upstairs not even noticing my mom yelling my name and running after me. I stopped in my tracks when I got to my door and turned around and ran back downstairs. "Yes mother." "Where were you last night you had me and your father worried sick."  "I was helping Scott study and I fell asleep." "You could've called you know." "I know I'm sorry it won't happen again now can I go get ready for school I'm already late." "Fine". Why are parents so up tight all the time like come on loosen up.

Taylor's POV

I put the note in Kira's locker looking around to make sure no one was looking, then walked off. I wonder what she'll think maybe she'll think it was cheesy but cute at the same time or maybe just plain stupid. No turning back now. I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hay baby." I kissed Kira on her soft sweet lips for what seemed like years but was only seconds. Seconds before she said she had to go to her locker. "Okay let's go. Even though we might be late." "It's okay you don't have to wait for me I'll just meet you." "No it's fine." "Okay but don't say I didn't give you a chance."  I shrugged my shoulders trying to loosen them. The fear if her not feeling the same way made me shrink inside. "Hay a note." "Yeah a note maybe you should read it." "Maybe I will.......Taylor I'm speechless." "So I'm guessing you don't feel the same way." She smiled and pulled me into a kiss. "Why'd you do that." "Because your my better  half." Could that be her way in saying she loves me. "Is that your way in saying you love me."  She nodded her head yes, and all I could do was smile.

Lydia's POV

"STILES" I yelled I into the mist of his house hoping for an answer. But there was nothing nothing but awkward silence. I walked upstairs into his room. But I saw nothing..... nothing at all. When I left I decided to call Scott. "Hay Scott we need to have a pack meeting stiles isn't at home." "Okay I'll get the pack."

After fifteen good minutes if waiting the pack finally made it to Scotts house. "Finally". "Okay I already have a plan Isaac you go help Allison at her house with the research and Taylor and Lydia go to

Deatons and Kira and Derek and Chris go to Derek's loft." WHY WOULD HE PUT ME WITH TAYLOR LIKE REALLY. As me and Taylor get into my car I feel uncomfortable and the fact that Taylor was here made it even worse. "So Taylor we go to Deatons to find information about Stiles not about and where he could possibly be. So as long as you stick to the plan well be alright." "Alright that's sound like a good plan, but I do have a question what are you?" "I'm a banshee I predict death." "Do you see any death in my future any time soon." He joked , I giggled "no but with the Oni we never really know to be honest with you." "Well thanks for the advice." "Yeah your welcome. You know your not that bad. Well I guess I should have listen to Scott considering your dating his ex." "Yeah other than that I don't know why he hates me so much." "True." Most of the car ride was small talk about how Kira is amazing , and how he really does wanna save Stiles not only to save our lifes but also so he can see me and Stiles be together. I told him about are long time journey and how he's been obsessed with me since the third freaking grade. When we got to Deatons I notice Taylor not wanting to get out of the car. "What's wrong." "Nothing it's just this place looks real familiar." "Hmmmm,well we still have to go in familiar or not." And with that I closed my door and walked inside the vet. "Any new information on how to cure Stiles without killing him." "Sadly now but I think I know someone who can help you. Kira her mom is also a trickster and has been through this before do you think she will be willing to help us." "I don't know her mom seems a little distance." "Well I just guess we are gonna have to fix that aren't we." I squinted my eyes not understanding what he was saying but trying to follow along.

Scott's POV

I went up to the station asking Mr.Stilinski if he had heard Stiles come home last night but he said no and he didn't get a call saying that he wouldn't be home till late.I was starting to get even more worried than before. Noshiko was the only one who could help as in curing him. And so far she doesn't wanna help us she says there really isn't any cure. Besides a divine move.

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