Oh boy🤦🏽‍♀️

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Scotts POV
"Scott somebody's back in town.?" "Who?" "Jackson!" WTH!?!
"How do you know?" "He showed up at Lydia's house while I was there." "Okay well I guess this is....good we could use all the help we can find." "SCOTT,are you really that desperate!" "Stiles people are disappearing left and right and we don't know who's doing these kidnappings,we could use his help and strength." "Fine but when he turns on you I'll be the one to say I told you so." I hung up. I can't believe Jackson is back.

Jacksons POV
Well winning Lydia back was a huge fail. Maybe it just wasn't the right time. She'll be back they all come back. Meantime I just might head to Scotts house to see what him and Allison are up to. I approached Scott's front door there where two heart beats but it wasn't Allison.This girl was....most definitely not Allison. She was supernatural. Was there another werewolf in town?? I walked up to the door and surely enough Scott opened the door before I could even lift up my hand to knock. "Jackson." I smiled."You seem the least bit of happy to see me." I barged my way through him,making myself to the living room. "Well who is this beauty." She was indeed beautiful. Even more because she was supernatural. "I'm Kira, you must Jackson." "Bright girl." I smirked. "So how'd you get bagged with Scott?" "Uhm we were kinda dating for awhile." "WHAT YOU WITH HIM.Oh honey you can do so much  better than him,call me when your ready for something real." I winked and left.

Kira POV

He couldn't have been serious.....could he? "That wasn't rude at all..." I chuckled. Scott rolled his eyes. "Jacksons is known for his rudeness it's in his DNA." He was pretty cute though.... not really my type tho. I got off the couch and headed up the stairs. Scott followed. "You don't think he really meant what he said..you know about the calling him." I laughed,Scott was jealous. "No, I don't think he meant it,he's your friend right?" I questioned. "Yea,I think." He sat down on his bed and I sat in a chair. "Why so distant?" He asked. "Why not." He looked confused. "Your not mad at me or anything are you?" I laughed. "No, I'm fine." He licked his lips. "Yes you are." He got up and walked over to me. Grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat. Then he snatched me in. "Aggressive much?" He smirked. "Not yet." He took me shirt off but kept my skirt on. Unclasped my bra. He bit his lip. "Scott!" We turned out head towards the door. It was Stiles. He threw me my shirt and ran out the door.

Scott's POV

Of course stiles would pick now to come. "I'll be down in a minute." This better be important. I ran downstairs and walked into the living room. "What is it." He smiled, "you wouldn't happen to have an extra charger?" I squinted my eyes at him. "Are you serious?" "Yea Lydia lost hers and she needs juice for the road." I rolled my eyes. "It's one in the second drew." "Thanks bud...oh and tell Kira I said hey." He winked at me and left. Talk about mood killer.

Hey guys I know it's been long over due but I'm back and better and I'll have updates for you guys ever Friday❤️

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