SNeak peak

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Scott's POV

When I woke up Kira was still sleep on my chest. She looked so calm beautiful. "Mmmmmmm,good morning." Her eyes began to flutter open. "Good morning beautiful." She yawned and began to get up. "Why didn't you date anyone when me and Taylor were together." I was stunned by the question. Why hadn't I dated anyone while they were dating. Maybe I just was to in love with Kira. "Uhmmm I don't know that's kinda out of the blue don't you think." "Yeah, but you never wanted room test the waters." I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah kinda but not really." "Well I think you should test the waters before we get to serious, you know see if the feelings are still the same." I was very shocked, was she being serious right now, especially after last night. "Ugh yeah sure, uhm you should probably go home, your mom is probably worried sick." She shook her head yeah. "Yeah your right I should go, and Scott I'm.... never mind." And with that she left.

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