Lets Go....Let Go...HELP

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The Next Day....

Scotts POV

I woke up feeling better than what I did last night. I can't say everything is peachy perfect,but i do feel more calm. Now that I know where I'm actually at. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. "SCOTT!" I heard my mom yelling my name,so I rushed down stairs. "Yeah I think he just got up-oh here he is." "Taylor what are you doing here?mom can you give us a second." "Yeah sure I'll see you later sweetie." She left and went to work. "So uhmm what's up." I started rubbing my hands on my pajama pants. "Scott Hannah's dead." I was shocked, I couldn't believe my ears I was just with her last night. But how did Taylor know about it. "What are you talking about I was just with her last night." "Well I guess when you left something terrible happened to her I don't really know what happen though." "Oh my gosh, I-i gotta go I'll see you later okay whatever you do don't tell any body about this until I get some more information okay." "You got my word." He had left and I ran upstairs. What if I was the one who had killed Hannah last night I mean everything was such a blur anything could've happened last night and honestly I don't know what to think right now or what to do.

Kira's POV

Today was going to be a beacon hills adventure day I could already tell especially after last night. But even though saving beacon hills was a main priority so was school and sadly today was Monday. I got up and went to go take a shower and brush my teeth. Today was going to be a lazy day considering we were gonna be doing research all day. I grabbed  some blue jeans and my "simply lazy"hoodie and put on a blue tank top under it. I slipped on my socks and my black converses and grabbed my bag and headed out the door and was on my way.

By the time I had got to my locker I had 5 new messages from Taylor.

"Good morning beautiful"
"Hey sorry for last night and acting so weird."
"Hope you have a wonderful day"
"Why aren't you responding"
"😩😩please pick up"
I read them all and just put my phone back in my pocket. "Hey." I looked up. It was Lydia. "Hey."
"So did Scott ever come back after we left."
"Uhmm yeah he actually did,but I don't think that he intended to."
"What do you mean?"
"Well when I went downstairs I looked out window he was just standing in the middle of the street in front of his bike looking at my house,and when I went to got get him he was completely confused, he said he didn't even remember leaving Hannah's house, and everything was really a blur."
"Hmmm I'm beginning to think this has something to do with what he wanted to talk to us about."
"Yeah me too." We both looked at each other with worried looks. *Buzzzzz*. My pocket lit up. "Uggghhhh." "I'm guessing your trying to avoid someone and they won't get the hint." I shook my head. "Not avoid more like take a break." "Well have you told him that." "No I don't know how he's been so clingy lately and it's kinda annoying." "omg the world is ending Kira has a boyfriend that shows to much affection." I turned to look at her. "That's not what I meant I mean like always around like last night at like 4 am he came by just to say goodnight." "Woowww, wait what was he doing out that late anyways?" "I don't even know and I don't plan on finding out right now I just wanna go to calculus, wow never thought I'd actually ever be happy to do school work hmm." We walked into the class room and took are seats.

Taylor's POV

Kira wasn't answering any of my text and I had a feeling Scott has something to do with it... I really can't wait until he's gone and out of Kira's head then we can finally be happy together without any Scott McCall interruptions. I walked to Kira's calculus class and knocked on the door. The teacher waved for me to come in. "Hi Mr.Brooks nice of you to finally join us." "Sorry I was having car trouble." "Mmmmm well take a seat." I sat next to Kira.

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