Finding her

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Scott's POV

What was Allison thinking, why did she just come in and kiss me. It didn't matter all that matters now is going to find Kira and explaining to her what happened I just hope she will give me a second chance. I walked outside with my helmet in .my arm,I ran to my motorcycle and got on. I had called Kira five times already and just decided to go to her house.

Kira's POV

"Hello" I yelled when I walked into my front door hoping nobody was there my mom was on a business trip and dad might've stayed after school grading papers. I ran up the stairs and put my bags down. Why would Allison even do something like this she was dating Isaac and she knew me and Scott date......well dated..but still why? I just wanted to take a nice hot and long shower and lay down. I was getting ready to get in the shower when the doorbell rang I threw my hair into a messy bun and put a robe on.

Scott's POV

Please answer come on answer the door. I saw her coming down the stairs with her marvel robe on it was short and fluffy. "I'm not opening the door and if you want to explain trust me I've heard it all before so your wasting your time. " I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard kira yelling out the screen door." Kira just please give me 3 minutes to explain " I begged "Scott there's nothing you could say that could make me trust you again I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore Scott McCall ." I knew she was serious when she called me by my last name "KIRA PLEASE JUST LISTEN " I got down on my knees she began to cry and slammed the door and ran up the stairs what was I going to do the love of my life doesn't want me anymore because of my first love. Why won't she just give me a chance.

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