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Shasta's POV

I get ready wearing a black tank top and some black skinny jeans with holes in them as well as black boots. I love the color black can't you tell?

I open the door and head towards the stairs. As I make my decent down I spot Joe talking with Atlas, I wonder what it's about.

Atlas's little sister is sitting on the couch watching tv, Togo is on the couch with his head on her lap sleeping. What a traitor, how could he? "Hello boss." Joe says as I walk up to Atlas. I wrap my arms around his torso and lean my head against his side. He puts his arm around my body and holds onto me.

"What's up Joe?" I say to him. "Well I see you guys got closer." Atlas smiles looking down at me. "Yeah, we have." He says with a smirk. He leans into Joe's ear. "If you know what I mean." Then backs away slowly. "Ah, I mean okay. Great to know you guys." He says awkwardly.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. "I'll be right back." I say heading to the kitchen to answer it. I see it's my father calling. "Holy shit 12 missed calls and 47 messages!" I say loudly. Damn what the fuck is so important?

I call him back and he answers. All I hear is breathing and grunting. "Hello?" I say getting impatient already. "Shasta?" He says. "Yes dad?" I say tapping my foot on the wooden floor. "We have some news on the few hotels we have bought. Everything is falling into place very nicely, thought I'd just call and tell you to not forget we have a greeting ball coming up in a few weeks." I sigh taking in the information.

"Yes dad. Anything else?" I say riling my eyes.

"Nope, that'll be all for now." Then he hangs up. Wow okay, just be like that.

"Who was that?" Atlas says heading into the kitchen. "It was my father, he was reminding me about the greeting ball we are holding for the completion for buying 4 new hotels, we're opening them soon."

"Ahh I see." He says leaning me against the counter. Kissing my neck again. He knows what he's doing, he knows my weakness. "I want you to know I have a business meeting I have to head to in ten days." He says looking at me. "Where?" I say because I hate when he's gone. I just got him back.

"It's taking place in Germany. I have family there, they agreed I'd stay with them for the time being. I'll only be there for a week or so." He says grabbing an orange from behind me.

"Then what do I do? What about your sister." I say crossing my arms. "You'll stay here and watch my men and also watch her for me?" He says more like asking if I'd do so. "I guess." I say rolling my eyes.

"Good girl." He says kissing my forehead then heading towards his office. Before he heads in I hear him scream "The boss is back in the house! Everyone get you're fucking lazy asses in motion!" Then a door slam. Well, at least I know he's back.

It's been 10 days already and it's currently 3 in the morning. Atlas is getting his stuff together, it's like a tornado hit home. Books, papers, clothes even shoes all over the place.

"Baby." I say as he's sitting on the edge of the bed tying his shoes. "What's up love?" He says sitting up then faces me. "Why do you have to go again? I just got you back." I say pouting. I'm so exhausted it's unreal, I haven't slept at all.

"Babe, it's only for a week. I promise." He says trying to reassure me. "If you say so." I say leaning my head back into my pillow. "Cuddle maybe 5 more minutes?" I say to him as he gets up. He checks his Apple Watch to see what time it is. "Fine, 5 that's all I can do." "Deal!" I say grabbing his hand and pull him into bed again.

He lays down and I put my head on his chest and he covered me back up. He pulls the blanket over my ears just like I always do, it's a habit. He kisses my head and I drift into sleep.

I wake up and there's a note on the pillow next to me. The shit head left and didn't say goodbye, I swear he'll pay. I pick up the paper and read it. 'If you're seeing this I'm not home, I didn't want to wake you. You looked way to peaceful so I had to softly escape your grasp. I almost fell asleep again thanks to your small warm body. Anyways, I'm going to call you when I land. I love you beautiful, oh and don't forget. When I get back, I want you to wear this dress I had picked out for you. It's for the ball, I think you'll like it as much as I do. Love, Atlas."

Mhmm, very funny. He knows I don't really like dresses, I have to say though. For a guy he definitely has very good taste when it comes to fashion. I check the time and it's already 8 in the morning. Well I better shower and get up, god knows what I'll be walking into.

Turning on the shower I can see the steam already forming. I go to the mirror and look at my face for no reason. Today I feel a bit off, I'm not sure why but it'll go away shortly. I take off Atlas's shirt I stole. I only wear his to bed, it's suffocating to wear ones own now.

My clothes drop to the floor, I pick them up and pull out my hair tie from my hair. Sighing I open the shower door. "He'll call Shasta calm down, maybe your sick because your upset he left." I say reassuring myself.

I let the steam roll off of my body. It's flowing over the top of the shower and into the rest of the room. I close my eyes slightly, I just want to enjoy my morning, I'm not used to once again being alone.

I grab a razor and shave my arm pits and my legs. Coconut shaving cream is the best, it smells so good. I rinse it off then grab the shampoo. Slowly lathering it into my hair I take deep breaths. Man my stomach is killing me, I feel like I want to puke. I hate being sick it's the worst feeling ever.

Now that I think of it the smell of this coconut shampoo is making we feel weird. Like I can't smell it really but it's making me sick. "Yep!" "Fu-!" I swing open the shower door. It smashes backwards and cracks. I vomit into the toilet, this cannot be happening.

I can't breath, each breath it kills my throat and nose. I feel like it's been 3 minutes I can finally catch a breath. "What is going on?" I say to myself. I sit there on the floor on a towel until I know I won't again.

I take in a deep breath getting up deciding I won't again.

"Wrong!" I once again sit there. "Fucking hell!" I say tapping my bare feet on the cold ass tile. I give it again 5 minutes. I get up making sure to go slower so in case I can run back. "I gotta call Layla." I say getting back into the shower. I use Atlas's body wash for the rest. It smells better anyways, men and their scents.

I get up wrapping a towel around me. I rest both hands onto the sink and stare at myself. Now that I think of it I should of gotten my period three days ago. Wait! I really do need to call Layla ASAP!

I scurry into the bedroom grabbing my phone off of the charger. Quickly dialing her number I'm shaking. What if I'm pregnant? What will I do? We aren't married yet! What if it's not a boy? He needs an heir to the 'kingdom' were going to have to get married! He hasn't even proposed yet! "Hello?" She says taking me from my thoughts. "Hello! Yes! Layla! I think I might be pregnant!"

I say freaking out. "Oh my god!! Congratulations! Wait... you guys aren't married yet. What will he and your father say? Will they be mad? What's going to happen?" She's asking all of these questions and I just want to lay down and cry.

"Oh Shas, it's okay. I'm on my way stay where you are girl." She says as I'm laying on the floor weeping. I'm scared. "Okay please hurry, I'm going to tell the guys to let you right in." I say trying to calm down so they don't know I've been upset.

"Okay I'll be there babe!" She says hanging up. I put my head against my knees as I hug them. So much for planning things out. I dial the number to the front gates. "Boss?" Joe says picking up. "Joe, Layla will be arriving soon. Let her right in, don't make her wait. Do you hear me?" I say trying to hold down vomit once again. I sand up quick and leap to the bathroom. "Yes boss, will do." I hang up. "Shit."

What!?!? Can it be!?!?


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