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After what seems forever it's finally 5pm.

I head home to get a shower and to meet up with Layla.

I want to be a little devil for some reason. Maybe it fits my inner bitch.

I just hope the shooting don't happen again. I would like to know who did it, and why.

I get in the shower and the hot water hits my cold skin. It takes my breath away but I get my body used to it. I let the hot water hit at my wound that's semi healed. I hit my head very hard that night and the egg is finally healing, there still a bruise there though. I close my eyes and I lose balance like an idiot.

I regain my balance and start to wash my hair. It feels so nice to get clean. I get out and wrap a black warm fuzzy towel around me. I let the warmth of it get sucked in by my skin.

I get dressed in black leggings and my knee high boots, with a simple grey knitted like sweater.

I hear knocking at my door and it startles me for a second.

"Who is it?" I say

"It's Layla! Are you ready!"

She sounds so happy even after what happen. How does she do it though.

"I'm coming out." I say barely enough to be heard.

Getting into her car we head into town.

"Let's go to Stewart's first, I gotta get gas and coffee." She says and I simply nod.

"You need anything?" She asks as she gets out.

"Yeah I'll be in, in a second, I'm just finding my money."

She walks away smiling. God I wish I had the energy to not have a care in the world and not show I'm dying inside.

I unbuckle my seat belt and get out.

As I'm walking I see two cars cloaked by the dark forming in the sky.

5 men are outside of them talking. The one to the right is tall as fuck. He looks to be 6,2 while the others are average.  I get odd vibes from the bean stalk of a man.

I can't make out any details but the little bit Of light I get shows they stopped and are now watching me.

I feel the odd urge in me to hurry the fuck up. Their stair is burning into me and giving me chills up and down my spine.

I get the feeling 'you shouldn't of even looked their direction, now pay for it.'

I back away slowly and dart into the store.

As I turn around Layla scares the shit out of me.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." She says putting her hand on my arm.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine just thought I saw something."

I have to urge of concern and interest for some reason. I wanna find a window and watch them, but I can't. They scream trouble.

I grab my drink from the cooler and walk over to the cashier.

"Is this it?" She asks.

"Yep, that's all today." I say smiling but still looking near the door. I still feel like I'm being watched by that tingling wave of nervousness in my spine.

"That'll be $2.12." I give her the 5$ bill and she gives me my change back.

I head back out only to be greeted by Layla who pulled her car up closer for me.

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