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Atlas's POV:

    "No! Bro are you kidding me!!" Rick screams into the mic. He's playing Red Dead. He got mad someone roped him off his horse, then threw him off a cliff. If only it was that easy.

    It's been two weeks since I've seen my Shasta. I left her and I let her keep my shirt. I don't know when I will see her again. It's kind of heart breaking, it was me again who left her. I don't think I should of went to that house. As soon as I saw it was her, I should of high tailed it out of there.

    I can't let her get used to me again. It's to dangerous, and with this arranged marriage my father bestowed upon me. It's killing me slowly inside. That night, it was a miracle. I was in cloud 9 holding my queen again. Her small sexy figure under me. It took everything to hide the arousal I had from just her voice.

    Just thinking of it makes it hard again. Damn Atlas get it together. Josh came home from the hospital. He coded once and they had to do all that emergency shit. We have a few leads on the men thanks to Jed.

    "Baby, can I get $10,000? If not I'll go to daddy." Ashley says to me. She's the dumb ass I'm supposed to 'marry' yeah okay dad. He says it'll make this business more strong. It's only going to get stronger if I have a Queen that's strong by my side, that's when we will get somewhere. She won't leave my head.

    I hand the bitch $10,000 to shut her up and I get up and leave the house. Father says we have another mafia he wants to bring in. He says we're good friends with them and it's been years since we talked.

    I'm head to my car and leave the driveway. Just In time for 'Can't hear you now' comes on.

     "Yeah, yeah
Run, running back
Tell 'em where I'm coming at
I was on that bullshit
Yeah now I'm done with that
Scared of what I didn't want
Scared of what I wanted at
Thought that I was finished
But I hardly had begun in fact
I'm a beast, I'm a monster, a savage
And any other metaphor the culture can imagine
And I got a caption for anybody asking
That is I'm feeling fucking fantastic"

    I sing to myself as I reach 89 mph. Shit I better slow down it's only 45 mph through here. That's all I need is dealing with another ticket. I head to the spot where Josh was shot. I need to check it out and just maybe I'll find something.

    I make it there finally and park where I was hiding behind a car. I can't believe it was Shasta and her friend who hid behind a car a few feet away. Pushing that in the back of my mind I head to the spot he laid. I try to put myself in his view. I stand facing the road and close my eyes imagining it all. The men are only black specs but then I can imagine him getting hit.

    He's a pretty tough guy. He's the serious but funny type. Both him and Josh are my best men. I look down and see his blood stains on the concrete. It's rained a bit but they are still very visible.

    "Josh what have they done to you my friend?" I say kneeling down, touching it slightly with my finger tips. Just then I see something shiny under my car. I get on the ground and grab it with a piece of cloth I had in my pocket. I open my hand and reveal it's a bullet casing, it's golden with initials.

    It's got the initials 'J.M.S' that's Josh's initials.
Josh Michel Smith. Huh, funny seeing that here now. I pick up my phone from my back pocket and dial Jed's number.

    "Hello." He says to me. "I found a bullet with Josh's initials on it. Same spot he was shot." Silence. "They must have our initials on each then. Sounds quite odd to me. The real question is who's?" He says to me very seriously. He and Josh are cousins. The inseparable ones where if one falls, you do also but so does the other.

    "That's a very good question. I want to have this checked for finger prints." I say back to him. "You got it boss." He says to be hanging up. I get back into my car and head back to the building. I can't say it's home well because it's not. My heart isn't there, it with her.

    As I arrived back I pull the car into the drive. I turn off the engine and sit there for a few. Thinking of everything that's happen in the past few weeks. It's crazy and it's happening the worst times. It must be a sign, I'm really in shit. I gotta make a choice sometime.

    "You should of known the price of evil Atlas." It's literally my nightmare coming to a reality. We will find who the hell did this. I get out and lock it hearing a satisfying beep coming from the parked car.

    "My son, you have returned." My mother says. I told her I slept with Shasta in bed. She was crying with pure happiness. She beyond loves her. I think more than her own son. "Yes, I have come back to prison." I say kissing her on her cheek. "Did you see you know?" Waving here hands in the air. We agreed to not say her name for her sake.

    Let Ashley get any word of her and she's got a damn headache on her ass. It's like Ashley is obsessed with me. I wanna put a bullet in her annoying ass head, so bad. I can't yet though.

    "Just wait, good things will come my boy." I slightly nod and head back inside. There I'm greeted with 40 of my men. Where did they come from when there's no cars around. "You are here." I say to them. I can't say all because I have over 40,000 and so on of men all over. We have grown to HUGE numbers. Men from my great grandfather and their kids and so on. All down the lines, friends, family their kids their kids, kids. I'm very proud of what we have become so far.

"Yes we have. We need to get that bullet checked." Josh says slowly walking over to me. Even near death, he's still dead set hell bound to find who did this. That's what makes my men strong. They love through anything and don't back down.

Thats why we have the modo 'From hell and back' because we have been there and so on. Then we bounce right back up even stronger. I hand them the bullet in the cloth carefully. "Rad, get my my kit then I'll take it to get analyzed." "Yes sir." He says. He's been watching Jed work and helps him. He's Jeds little apprentice. He's planning on doing what he does and what he specializes in. He's done a great job so far.

"Thank you guys." I say and they all nod. Now the wait is on to see who is was. I hope they were dumb enough to not use gloves and shit. I want them gone and dead. I want to get things back on track like it used to be.

"Well I'm gonna go play Red Dead. I'll be back my man hoes." Rick says and runs into his room. His son runs after him. Yes, we have kids here. Rick is my age with a 5 year old. His mother was killed because she didn't listen to Rick. We were being ambushed at a small cafe. I mean not to be mean but she really wasn't with it. The only reason he stayed was for his son.

She got shot and died instantly. He was sorta happy because then he could raise his boy the right way. He wants him to be able to love a normal life style. He also wants him to learn this life, so in case anything happens he knows what to do and how to protect himself.

After waiting hours finally I gotta pee. I get up and head to the bathroom just in time for Jed to scream "I found a name and face!" He screams at the top of his lungs. Fucking finally!

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