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New Ties

Unknown POV:

    "Please! Don't kill me! I'll give you anything you want!" The man says as I point my gun at his right temple. I've been doing these assassinations for years, I'm 22 now. It started when I was 12, I had a family once it was years ago. They were all taken from me. I've been hearing rumours I have a brother. That he's almost my twin, it hard because if I do, would he accept the monster I've become?

    My father was one piece of work. Sold me to some blokes when I was 2, said my mother didn't want me neither did he. That he had other problems to deal with. Yeah, father someday I'll get you. Anyways he got rid of me, I've been beat, starved, mentally abused. I've even tried suicidal things to myself, still here so obviously it didn't work. Ha! Fuck it.

    Over the years I've become solid, my heart is black my eyes lost their color. Eyes that once housed blue and green now only house black and grey. So when my enemies are looking into my eyes as they take their last breath. They see nothing but darkness and coldness. I'm not very tan, I used to play football in high school. I had maybe one normal year. I once had a love, she was my everything, she died when we were 16. Shot dead in front of me, about 6 bullets pierced through her chest. Blood pooled around her corpse, as she took her last breath she stare into my eyes. I dropped to my knees, I held her for hours, until there was stuff coming out of her mouth and her body started bloating.

    The cops never came, no help and no one to tell. They works think I'm crazy. I ran to find help with covered with blood face full of panic. She was buried a week later, closed casket. Watching them lowering her into her final rest I lost it completely. I turned colder than ever, I never even knew I could get this mean.

    I've slept with numerous woman since then, from strippers to woman wanting to not be lonely. I've killed maybe 20 of them. Not cold blood either, each of them had some hand in some gang or mafia. All trying to stop me, Over the years I've gained some good friends. Many have come and gone, only 6 remain true to me. It's a sick blessing if you ask me, all are outcasts like me.

    Anyways back to this chump. "Where is my brother!?" I say to the man. It's been said that he knows all of the families and the ones who have separated from them, word is my brother is somewhere in the U.S. I'm currently in Ireland trying to get good news. I need to find my brother and fast. There's a war coming, every gang and what not are all getting ready. They are trying to build enough to go for two specific mafias. 'Bloody Dragons' and 'Satan's Lullaby ' both are said to be run by two of the meanest men alive. They say the leader of the Dragons died once and came back to life and when mad fire is seen in his eyes. The other leader I heard of is young and up and coming. He's just as fierce as the other. Both I hope aren't working together, we are all dead men walking as it is. My men and I are coming up at third for mafias. We're many but secret and spread far apart.

"I don't know okay!" I go to pull the trigger when the man goes pale, looks like he's seen a ghost. "Mother fucker!" I scream at him. "I heard you are looking for your brother." A nasty voice sounds behind me. I turn around and see a man dressed in a black tuxedo. He steps into the light and he's got scars all over his face and neck. Still has bruises on his face from whatever he fought. "Who are you?" I say standing face to face with the man. I easily tower over him. Standing at 6'3 he's Maybe 6'1. "Don't you remember me Axel?" He says laughing, this fuck is gonna die right now. "How do you know my name?" I say getting my gun ready again. "Well I'm your father of course."
It's short but another chapter will be out tomorrow! This was just an intro to a new character that's high interest.

I'll be seeing you next chapter loves! 🖤🖤🖤🖤

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