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Shasta's POV

"Layla, can you help me?" I say trying to get into my dress. It feels so fucking tight, damn why am I like this. "Here." She says laughing at me. "Didn't you just buy this last week?" "Yes." I say to her. "There, you looks so much better!" She says as I stare at myself in the red laced dress.

"Hmm, I don't know." I say looking myself up and down. I hate makeup and dressing up just anything like this in general. "Why are we going again?" I ask even though I know I just hate balls. "You know why I'm not even gonna say it. Anyways how do I look?" She says spinning around smiling. "I think you look very beautiful. I'm sure Josh will love it!" I say walking up behind her resting my chin on her shoulder as she looks into the mirror. "I know he will like it. It took me hours to find out what he likes, I'm just excited. Maybe we can become official."

"How do you think I feel." I say rolling my eyes walking to put my earrings in. "You guys just need to fuck finally! You guys need to have kids and get married finally! I'm sick of you guys not being together!! You guys are literally matched and made by the Gods!" She says holding onto my arms shaking me a little.

"I know! Ugh! I just want to kiss him again and I want him to touch me places and set me on fire. I haven't been able to sleep or even see him knowing he don't remember me."

"Girls! Come down it's time!" My mom say, "coming!" I scream down to her. Now to try and walk in these heals down stairs. I can't do it great but I'll probably fall it's okay though.

"Nice and steady." I say trying to walk to the top step. These floors feel more like Ice then I remember. "Be careful! I'm not picking you up again." Layla says laughing waking and holding her dress in her hand so she don't step on it. "I know, I kn- Oh No!" I say trying to hold on the railing. I made it to the last three steps. I brace for the impact just to not feel it. I look up and I see Atlas holding me as he grabbed me from falling. "Wow, do I need to chaperone you around stairs now?" My cheek are burning, I feel awkward.

"No, I'm fine I'll manage." I say grabbing his hand to steady myself. "Aweee." Layla says making her was down. "Well hello there." Josh says as he walks up to her giving her his arm. "This way my lady." Atlas says leading me into the doorway to the ball room.

It's the same every year. Nothing different, just the snobs and hoes. "I'll get us a drink." He says letting go of my hand as we reach my parents. "Shasta, you remember Carl and his mistress Nat. Tell them how great you've been doing lately." My father says. "Uh, well I've been stepping it up. I have my followers and whatnot. My enemies, we all do though." I say very awkward because I hate talking. Why did he make me talk to people.

"Babe here." Atlas says as he hands me my drink. "Thanks." I say as I take a sip. "Mister Black." People greet Atlas. "Hello everyone." He says back to them and they smile. They don't really like that he and my father are working together. Two mafias that hate each other coming together as one. Who would of known.

"Shasta." A brown haired guy says walking up to me. He's only half the size of Atlas. Scrawny and thin, doesn't look like he works out or even does anything. Looks more like a geek/ bookworm. "Yo, Atlas my man!" He says as Atlas grabs his hand and do their guy shit. "Where have you been? It's been months dude. I've been home with the kids and haven't been able to do shit for anyone while you were absent. Ms. Boss here said family is more important." He says. I never knew what he looked like. Weird, he's one of your computer geeks. They track and hack into things for us so we're safe.

"Uh, well I've been away on business. You look good as always." Atlas says to him patting him on the shoulder. "I know I feel great also. Anyways I'll let you guys to it I gotta go talk to someone." He says as he heads to one of the preppy bitches. You get them here, because of their daddy and mommy.

"Let's dance, it's a slow song." He says grabbing my hand and twisting me around. Yep this will definitely be a mess. As we're slow dancing I can't help but put my head on his chest. My arms are hanging around his neck kind of. He to tall for that but I try. "I have something to tel you." He says into my ear. We dance slowly. "Huh?" I say not wanting to move because I'm so comfortable at the moment. "Well I have been waiting to tell you. Now promise to keep an open mind and not to get to mad at me?" He says and I nod. "Okay." I say

"Well for sometime now I have been able to remember who I was and who you were. Don't get to excited though it's there but there's still some missing." I freeze for a minute stiff. "Really?" I say backing up still holding to him though. "Yes." I feel like I'm gonna throw up. "What don't you really remember like is it a category of things or?" I say trying not to cry. "Well." He says kissing my lips. "I don't remember our kisses. And your touch." He says acting sly, hmm. "Let me remind you then." I say. We start making out rapidly, I slow myself down because we're in front of hundreds of people.

"I love you." He says resting his four head on mine. " I love you also." I say just as we go to continue to dance we're stopped.

"HELP!" We hear screaming. The music stops and everyone freezes.
There it is loves!!

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