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"If I could be anything in the world I would want to be a teardrop because I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips" ~Mary Queen of Scots ❤️

Shasta's POV:

As I get out of the front door I see some more of the men. They are heading back to my house all running. They all look very mad, I dart over to the bushes to hide from them. They'd make me go back in and be more strict. Some of them have gun wounds and blood stained hands. "Holy shit! Raf! We gotta get more men and get the boss and Atlas!" Jack says.

He's a newer guy here and he's a good worker. They disappeared inside and I used this time to get out of there. I dart towards the tree line to be hidden from people. I make my way and I see the house coming into view. "Now or never." I say and I sneak past the gates.

   I get to the path of small trees and I duck within them. I see a van pulling up and it's all blacked out, it doesn't look cheap either. I see three men with guns heading out of the front door and two men from the van get out. They shake hands and I see four more men bringing someone out. They are not really struggling, they have a sack over their head. I then notice those tattoos from someone. Atlas, they have him I don't see my father. Atlas is bleeding from his stomach like Nick was.

   Adrenaline rushed through my body. Blood pressure hits my body and my ears are ringing and I feel pressure, I'm to pissed to be scared. The hairs on my neck are standing on end, my heart is solid. I run straight at the men and my Atlas. I have my guns out and I shoot two men in the head. How I'm so good with guns is beyond me, all I know is I'm getting him back. The two men collapse and thud to the ground and the others start shouting but I dive and they miss. "Atlas!" I say with tears running towards the surface of my eyes. I can't do this! I can't lose him I just got him back!

It starts to down pour but I get up and shoot at the van. They throw him in and they close the doors so fast I'm still shooting. I hit another but he hides on the side and gets in. "Shasta?" I hear him saying like only for me to hear. This time my heart is beating against my ribs threatening to break out and run to his arms.

   I'm so heart broken again. I feel my heart breaking, every vein in my is exploding. My mind is gone and I'm seeing red. "No!" I say and one fo the men try to shoot one last time and miss. The van takes off and I try to hit the tires with bullets. It's so hard with that style of van they have. "I'll get you back my love!" I scream and now there are tears falling. He did it, he knocked the rest of the walls down I had to keep myself from dying of the pain of him away from me.

   "Shasta!" I hear a deep voice call to me and I see my father heading to me. I don't know where we came from but he's here. He drops to the forums with me wrapping his big arms around me. I bury my face in his shoulder and cry, I let it all out. The rain is coming down even harder, theres now sounds of thunder hitting like bowling balls and their pins. "Dad, I-." I choke trying to talk. "I can't lose him again!" I say and he pats my back he sits back and looks into my eyes. "I know babygirl." He says he's not crying but his eyes have a film over them from tears. He never lets them fall, no matter what.

   "Well get the little douche back I promise." He says kissing my forehead. He stands up and picks me up, carrying me back home. They say home is not a place, it's the people you love. Well that's not my home fully, I'm missing the most important part, my foundation. He carry's me and I can't feel it, I'm numb. I'm pissed off and it's killing me, I hate Atlas for leaving again. Knowing anything can happen, he's gone again. I get it it was by force but he's gone.

I pass out, I don't remember doing it really but it's all black. "Shasta?" I hear him saying. "Open your eyes my little queen." He says. I'm trying to hard to open my eyes, they are to heavy. "Atlas?" I say somehow waking up and I sit up. I'm in a black abyss, sitting on a bed. A strange light comes to view, now turning into the shape of three humans. "My queen." He says getting closer. "Mommy?" I hear the two other blobs say. Mommy? I'm not a mother. What the fuck is going on? Finally they are clear as day, all three have a bright ora that makes my darkness run in fear. "Atlas?!" I say getting up running to him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. "I love you Shasta." He says to me and I'm crying again. I'm squeezing him so tight he squeezed back.

"I love you too my king." I say to him. I then feel two small sets of hands touching both of my arms. I look down and see two kids, they look like Atlas and have my eyes and nose. "Kids?" I say looking at Atlas. He smiles and hugs all three of us. "How?" I say and he looks into my eyes. "Someday my angel, you will understand." I look again at 'Our kids' they are actually adorable, a boy a girl. "How is this possible though? Are you dead? Am I dead?" I say now going into a panic attack. He shakes his head laughing. "No, none of us are, it's simply what's to be in the future." He says again kissing my head. "We love you mommy." They both say as I grab them in a hug. "Mommy loves you guys also." I say, I needed to because I don't feel threatened, I feel at peace.

They step away from me and start retreating. "No! Don't go!" I say trying to hold Atlas's hand. I don't want him to leave me again! "It's not a goodbye my angel, it's simply a until we meet again." He says and I'm bawling my eyes out. My darkness again crawling to my slowly like demons with no legs. I drop to my knees and hug them, putting my chin on my knees letting the tears fall once more. "Why me?" I say softly. Again there's a bright light coming to me. "Atlas?" I say hoping he came back to stay with me. "No my dear, it's your nana." The blob says. Then she comes clear to me. "Who are you?" I say and she takes a seat beside me. My darkness turns into light and we're sitting on a huge hill against a tree. The tree is my favorite type, it's a weeping willow. She leans against it and takes my hands in hers. "Who are you?" I say to her and she laughs "My child, it's me your nana." I have to think deep about this the only person this could be is my fathers grandmother.

I look at her face again and I notice it's her, the same scar on her cheek. He showed me photos of her when I was little, she loved him so much and he was with her all the time. "Nana? Why am I here? And where did Atlas go?" I say she gives my hands a squeeze. "Darling, he's okay. None of you are dead, I am deceased but I'm here as your guide. Right now your at home in a deep sleep, it's been a long while. Here though it feels like only a few minutes. That's how this realm works, someday when your old and pass on you'll come back here with me. But, I must tell you why I'm here. You see, your in quite the standoff here, Atlas being taken and you being hurt from it. Just know you shall not be at all mad at him. He gave them him instead, they wanted you and he gave himself up for you, he honestly loves you." She says smiling to me. "Why do they want me? And why did he do that?"

"He had to, it was his part he had to play for your safety. Just know those men that you shot was just the beginning. There will be more, so whatever you do. Do not and I repeat do not trust anyone. Not even people you think won't hurt you. There's much more at play then meets the eye." She says getting up and dusting her cloths out. She puts her hand out for me to grab. I slowly take it and she's helps lift me up. She starts to step near the light again to leave. "I love you my child." She says. " I love you too nana!" I say running and hugging her again. "Also I should add, don't lose yourself in this darkness. He needs you to prepare and get stronger, for both of you sakes listen and act wisely. You both will be reunited that I see, all in good time Shasta." She says winking at me and goes back into a blob and disappears.

"Shasta!" I hear my name being called. I wake up for real this time. "What happen." I say with a dry throat needing something to drink badly. "Here." Dad says handing me water. "How long have I been sleeping?" I ask and they go silent. It's been about 4 days, you've been out cold and the doctor has been here 247 with you. Everyone is worried about you and yes, before you say it we've been looking for him." Mother says. "Well I'm helping." I say. "You will rest!" My father says. "No! I've rested well enough and damn well long enough!" I say to him getting angry. "Fine, in a few days you can help." He says running his hand through his hair. "For now lets go downstairs and eat something." My mother says helping me get up.

We make it down stairs and I sit at the island. Togo runs to my feet and paws at my leg. "What's up boy?" I say to him and he barks. I pet his ears and between his eyes. He lays down at my feet and relaxes. This is going to take so long to get myself mentally ready and to find him. I damn well will find you Atlas!

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