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I woke up and it was like a dream. He was gone and nothing but pure silence. The sheets cold to my touch. I sit there for a good five minutes, thinking if I stare long enough he will return. I roll over to his side and take a deep breath in. It smells just like him.

"Why did you leave me again?" I say softly. It's again an empty void with out him. Just for a split second I thought I had him back. I fell back asleep.

I wake up and go to walk to my bathroom. I go to look into the mirror and I see I'm wearing his shirt. I slightly remember him giving me it to wear bc it smelt like him. He always knew I loved having his things to wear.

I look so tiny in the black T-shirt how did he get so damn big? So damn sexy and muscular. He's like a warrior for the gods. They only make the most beautiful out of the most precious marble, he was definitely to amazing and why wouldn't they bestow such a handsome man.

I throw on a pair of shorts and head down the stairs. Listening to my feet hit the cold hardwood floor. I should of put on a pair of my fluffy Lion King socks. I smell his shirt again probably looking like I sniffed crack.

Just as I sniffed it Layla was in front of me staring. I shrugged and smiled. "Why's got you all glowing and that cute shit? I know for sure that isn't one of your shirts." She says sending me a flirting wink. "Maybe I found someone." I say and she gets up to make me a cup of French vanilla coffee.

"Well, tell that buster your mine!" She says laughing. She don't look so bad. Her eyes aren't as blood shot and baggy. She looks like she's had some good sleep on my memory foam mattress.

"That's if I ever see him again." I say sadly. She just looks at me lost. "Anyways.. You're brother came in like half an hour ago. He had some chick hanging off his dick. If she could get anymore up his ass she'd be eating it whole." She says with annoyance in her tone. You can hear the regret in her voice laced with bitch.

"That's my girl." I say to her patting her shoulder. She looks at me weirdly as I did because I gave her no response.  She looks so confused, it is the best face by far.

"Your very weird Shas. Very. Weird." And she takes her coffee and heads into the living room. "So what do you wanna watch?" I ask her because I know she wants to go and beat them up so badly. She keeps balling her fists, thudding her leg up and down fast.

"The Witcher?" I say quickly heading over to get the remote. She nods her head and starts to bite her lip. We both hear giggling coming from his room.

I try to keep her busy and keep her from hearing what's going on. "Toss a coin to you're Witcher O' valley of plenty!" I say singing the catchy tune. She just looks at me like I have five heads. When she watched it two night ago we were both singing along to it.

"Come on girl don't leave me hanging!" I say to her playing the air instrument Jaskier plays. She loves randomly berating our singing that song.

"O' valley of plentyyy." She says starting to smile. Finally we were 30 minutes into the last episode when the atmosphere changed. Everything became tense all at once

We see my brother walking out of his room with the girls bra handing off his shoulder. He waving it around like it was a trophy. What a cunt.

"I need some air." She says getting up very fast. She got dizzy and stumbled but I caught her. Then she ran out of the house without looking his way.

I can feel the rage inside me as I turn to face the whore of a brother. "You have the fucking audacity! To bring that nasty ass skank toy house that you are a guest in!" I say snapping at him. It looked taken back for a second but it quickly left as it came.

"Yeah, I'm planning on being out by tomorrow night bitch." He says to me. He don't even sound like my brother I knew a few weeks ago. Just as I was in mid thought I got a text from an unknown number.

"Keep friends close and enemies closer." Is all it said. I got those chills again. I kept it but closed it out without responding. "That's good!" I say annoyed by him and now the text. I have a bad feeling of that girl in this house and that text.

Something don't seem right with him either. I head up the stairs to my room and put on some cloths. I put Atlas's shirt aside so it keeps his smell. Just until I can make him get me more of his scent, that's if I ever see him again.

I head down the stairs and look out of the living room window. I see Layla leaning against my car with her head tilted back. I went to open the door and I'm cut off by the nasty trash. "Scuse me." She says giving me and odd eye.

"Hmm gladly, the trash can walk out." I say heading past her hitting my shoulder to hers. She stumbled backwards and shot me glares. I can feel the daggers piercing into my soft skin. I flip her off as I get into my car.

"Get in bitch." I say to Layla putting on my sunglasses. "With pleasure." She says putting hers on also.

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