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"Mmmmm" I said trying to get their hand off me. Who ever this was had one mean grip, and a big hand. It was also a bit rough.

"Don't, try to escape." He says in a low dark tone. Fuck me. It gave me shivers but also turned me on for some reason. Just hearing his voice and feeling my body pressed against his hard chest.

Shut up Shasta! Get out of the gutter! He took you, you don't know who he is or what he looks like. I wanna look so bad to see who it is. All I see is darkness. Just then I'm thrown onto a bed. The only room that's downstairs is the guest room.

Layla won't stay there, she says it's haunted or some shit. Just great, if it really is I'll be possessed. I was shook out of thought and the man tied my arms tight with something. I tried to pull but to no avail nothing happen. Just some squeaking from the head board I was tired to.

"Who are you!?" I say trying to sound bigger than I am. All I see is a tall dark silhouette of someone. "What is you're name little one?" He says with his deep voice again. Ughh, it's gonna be the death of me.

"It's Karla." I say bluntly trying to adjust my eyes to the dark room. This ass has the audacity, to do this in my own home. Tie me up, drag me, blind me with darkness and fucking interrogate me.

"Ah ah ah, I think your lying. That voice don't sound so promising little one." He says chuckling darkly.

"Fuck off!" I say trying to kick at him. My short legs won't help. All of a sudden he grabs them, and gets in between them. I can feel his big frame over mine with his hot breath on my face.

"I'm going to try this one more time little one." He says. This time running some fingers across the side of my soft face. Every touch is doing something to my body. I'm not sure what but I don't like it, but maybe I do?

"And I'm going to say it again! Fuck off!" I say and try and kick him and elbow him. He reaches over and turns on the light. He hasn't turned his face to me yet. All I see is his nice dark hair.

"I told you." He says and turns to face me. He goes silent, taking a long period of time looking into my eyes. It's not my fault I have one blue and one green. I remember Atlas always used to ask about them. He was so mesmerized by them.

"Shasta." He says laying over me. We were trying to beat each other up over the last few Oreo cookies.

His taller frame was hanging over my small body. And he kept looking into my eyes.

"What you jerk!" I say yelling at him trying to get up.

"Why are your eyes so pretty?" He says so amused watching as they focus on him. I loved his eyes also, a grayish and other colors mixed.

"I don't know." I say, I always forgot I had two different colored eyes.

"Well, they are the most beautiful ones, I've ever seen." He says. Suddenly we watch each other and our breaths getting heavier. More hotter as we move our faces closer.

He softly kisses my lips and I blush instantly. "I think I like you Shasta." He says when suddenly the door is swung open. His father walks to him and yells at him to get up.

"But why dad!? I can't leave Shasta!" He says trying to hold into me. I'm not sure what to do or think. I was still on cloud 9 when he kissed me.

"We have to leave! It's better for us and for her!" He says taking his arm and roughly leaving through the door. "Atals." I say with a tear threatening to fall.

"I'll come find you Shas." He says looking back once more and disappears out of sight.


"What? Have you never seen a girl with a green and blue eye before?!" I say getting more mad. He keeps looking my face up and down intensely.

"Shas?" He softly says and his grip loosening. His body relaxing over mine.

What? Who does he think he is? And now that I look into his eyes I see those grey eyes, with blue and orange through them. Those eyes only belonged to Atlas. My, Atlas.

"Atlas?" I say looking his face up and down. It's happening to quickly body and emotions are all acting opposite. My heart and body want him but my mind, it says run. His aura changed since I've last seen him. It's more dark but right now mixed with warm.

"I- I told you I'd be back." He says so softly and quietly. Looking into my eyes. His emotion finally shows through to me. They were once hidden, he can put up a good curtain to shield them. Must me really useful, but I can't. I'm always a walking emotion. They showed happy, sad, lust, anger  and a few others I couldn't see.

"Yeah like 8 years to long." I say mad at him. It took him, 8 fucking years. "I'm sorry but I had shit to do and I had to protect you." He says trying to make me more relaxed. He knows I get worked up easy and I get pissed easy when it comes to our relationship.

"Why did you leave me!? Why leave us!?" I say as he looks upset now. He closes his eyes and takes in a few deep breaths. I can tell he's on the edge of throwing shit, and trying to remain calm. "Atals." I say squeezing my legs around his torso. So long and strong. He's now like a walking boulder. He's rock solid with massive arm muscles. And his temper is also a reason I was attracted to him.

"I loved you Atlas." I say now crying. I want him to speak so damn bad. He's being so silent, it's so god damn frustrating.

"I had to, if I didn't we both wouldn't be here today." Is all he said and kisses my forehead." He unties me and gets us both in the blankets and sheets. He spoons me and holds me so tight. It's like he's trying to squeeze me, trying to hold my pieces together that have been apart for years.

He was the glue. " I love you Shasta." He says playing with my hair. "And yes, I will explain more. For now let's rest little one." He says and kisses my cheek and we hold each other. I missed him so much. Now that he's here I don't know what to say or do.

As I'm thinking all of this the darkness swallows us and I'm gone.

Dayummmm. Guess who back!

Love to all, thank you all.

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