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Shasta's POV

It's currently 4:12 a.m. I can't sleep anymore I feel tired but I can't sleep. It's been 4 days since I've found out I'm pregnant. I'm so excited to start feeling the baby move, I can't wait for Atlas to hold us both close as he sleeps.

I turn on the massive tv and decide to watch Ghost Adventures.

'There are some things in this world we will never fully understand "understand" we want answers' yep my life right now. I used to think Zac was hot as fuck until Atlas.

Here I am at now 7:00 a.m. eating cherry flavored candy when my phone goes off and scares me. "Fucking shit!" I say.

I look and it's Atlas. I quickly answer.

"Hey baby, we're you asleep? I didn't wanna wake you but I miss you so much." He says half asleep. "I'm here babe and no I can't sleep good. I been watching tv." "Oh, well what's wrong because I know you Shas, you can always sleep. I know something is wrong I feel it." He says I can't let him know yet. "Yeah you know, stomach bug. Hopefully today it goes away." I say blowing it off with a huff.

"I hope so also, anyways I'm checking in on you babe. I'll be home tomorrow I'm so fucking excited to see your beautiful face. Josh just won't shut the fuck up. He's been going on and on about his phone breaking earlier. Did you know about the new update? He's been mad about it." He says I thought he was about to mention Layla.

"Yeah, I got it also and it does piss me off. It keeps closing my screen out." I say crossing my legs in bed over each other. "I gotta sleep though. I'll call you in a bit, I'll be getting on the flight home first thing in the morning." I hope so I need to get this off my chest.

"I love you Shasta, never forget that." He goes silent

"I love you also handsome, you better call me when you can! Or I'll beat your ass!" I say over the phone.

He chuckles softly but it's deep and sexy

"Yes ma'am I don't want that, well maybe I do.." he trails off

"In your dream lover boy. Get to bed." I say to him smiling crazy.

"Just for the night when I get home be ready we have a lot of making up to do." He sighs.

"I love you I'll let you sleep and I really have to also."

"I love you too." Then he hangs up.

What's a jackass.

I lay back and fall into my pillows deeper. Letting the darkness swallow my sight and mind. I fall asleep smiling and happy knowing we will get through this together no matter what.

A few hours later I wake up to a knock on my door. I look at the time and it's already noon. Hmm "who's there?" I ask.

"It's me Aleah, I wanna ask you something." She says and waits for my response.

"Come in!" I say sitting up stretching.

"Okay so what is this ball for, and what do I wear?" She says sitting beside me. What should a 10 year old wear hmm.

"How about we look for a dress? And I can do your hair and light make up if you want. I also have dresses you can look through." I say to her and she smiles at me.

"Can I be honest with you?" She says looking down at her swinging legs. "Yes you can I'd like that a lot." I say grabbing a pillow and hugging it. "I always wanted a sister. I hope we can be close because I grew up with my mom and she was a 'crack head' she says using hand gestures. One time when I was 8 I asked to go to my friend Kim's birthday party and mom said no and smacked me in my face. She then threw me into my room and said I was to fat to be seen." She said looking down. "And it's just your so pretty and built like me and it makes me feel like I can ask and talk to you about these things. It made me want to kill myself and not eat. I wanna feel like I'm good enough." I looked at her and wrapped my arm around her.

"Ohhh Aleah, darling." I say with a British accent.

"We women are all queens! No matter what size or shape! If others don't like that then they see something in you they are lacking and are mad about it. We will make you the most beautiful queen for this evening." I say making her laugh as I yank her down to her back and I lay beside her laughing also.

"I love you Shasta thank you so much!" She says.

"Let's go find what to wear for tonight then!" I say picking her up off the bed.

Okay I'm thinking simple but stunning.

I surf thought about 10 dresses. Ah yes this one well try. After about five minutes we have her fifteen dresses to try on. I love these and I know she will also.

"Try these on and come out and show me." I say and she takes them in her hands. "I'll be right back" and heads into my bathroom.

After about 5 minutes later she comes out with a pink dress that's simple and silky. "Ehh, turn to the left." I say eyeing it up and down. "Nah, try another that one is to long."

After about 30 more minutes later she tried on about 10 already. "Okay how about this one I feel good in it and I like how it makes my skin look." She says looks at me. "Hmm. It's a olive like green color. I think it really goes with your blue eyes and red hair. Yes! That's the one!" I say clapping to her and she gets all red in the face. "Okay! I'm so excited I've never felt so important or even thought of a dance!!" She's says smiling.

Tonight it going to be very eventful.

Next chapter will be up in a half hour! Time for the ball loves!!❤️🖤

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