Chapter 18: Well....

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Lena's POV

Once I had gone through the light I opened my eyes. I could see monitors and the lights were off in my room. I could hear beeping from the machines hooked up to me. My hand went to my stomach and I smiled. A memory flashed in my mind of when Kara and I had talked about children.

We were in my office and we had somehow gotten to the topic.


"I mean I love kids but I'm always afraid to hold them" Kara chuckles.

"Why? You're the most gentle person I know" I laugh. I realized this was before I knew she was Supergirl.

"I know but they're so fragile" she whines.

"I'm sure you'll make a great mother one day. You'll do just fine holding them" I say.

I realized that I had put my hand on her thigh. Kara freezes and looks to me. I bite my bottom lip waiting to see her reaction. Had I gone too far?

"Your kids will be incredibly smart and beautiful" she murmurs.

"If only there were someone that would get near a Luthor" I mutter. I meant it jokingly but it's only now I realize the way Kara had looked at me.

She almost looked pained to see me this way but now I could see the longing. I felt something for Kara back then without even realizing it and I didnt even see that Kara felt the same.


My thoughts were interrupted when a figure entered the room.

"Lena!" Alex said happily. She rushed to my bed and gave me a quick hug.

"To what do I owe the great honor of a hug from Alex Danvers?" I tease.

"Well..... you have been unconscious for a week. Kara is going berserk but thankfully is under control" she says.

"A week! Where is she?" I yell. My arms hug my midsection tightly and Alex puts up her hands.

"Hang on. Your baby and you are safe and fine. Kara went Rogue and we had to put her in a cell. I can take her to you once I do a quick check up. Ok?" Alex explains. I nod my head and she pulls the ultrasound machine closer.

"What happened while you were asleep anyway? Are you ok?" She asks.

"I can remember everything" I whisper. I am staring off into the distance but can see Alex's shocked face out of the corner of my eye.

"You remember!?" I nod my head and she quickly checks everything.

"We have to get you to Kara quickly. I'm sure shes already heard you wake up even though shes had a dose of Kryptonite" Alex says.

"You gave her Kryptonite!?" I yell. I'm fuming at the thought that they gave my wife the one substance that could kill her.

"Its not a lethal amount. We had to keep her contained before she destroyed everything in her path" Alex responds calmly. She finishes her check up and I cross my arms, still furious.

"We will discuss this later" I grit.

Alex leads me carefully out into the hall. She brings me to the cells and nods to one. As I peek inside I can see Kara sitting on the bench with her head in her hands. There's a green hue coming from her skin and I nearly cry. I place my hands on the glass and Kara's head snaps up. The moment her eyes meet mine I smile and can feel the electricity between us.

"Lena!" I hear her muffled yell.

She bolts off the bench and effortlessly tears apart the cell door. I immediately feel her arms around me and I hold her tight.

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