Chapter 19: New Beginning

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Lena's POV

After I thoroughly punished my wife last night for teasing, I was in quite a good mood. Alex insisted that I stay home to rest after our ordeal but I had none of it. I was working on a new type of stun gun when the door to the lab opened. Before I could see who it was Winn spoke up. 

"Here. This is where the problem is. If I can change the calibrations I think it'll work better" Winn says. He was testing the trigger components. 

"Sure. I'll continue to work on the power settings for the shock. When I was working in Lcorp I did something similar but I never got to finish it" I respond. I noticed that with my memories now fully intact my job was somewhat easier, and I didn't question why I was so good at this.

Suddenly I felt hands grip my hips and a soft kiss to my neck. I smiled and set down the pieces I was holding and turned around. The ocean blue eyes of my wife made my heartbeat speed up.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of having a visit from Supergirl?" I tease. 

"Being beautiful as usual" she grins goofily. Kara leans in and kisses my lips which causes my heart to flutter.  

I show her exactly what we are working on and she suddenly sits up. She seems to listen intently to something before answering. 

"I'll be right there" she says quickly, turning to me. "Alex needs me. Something about Maggie."

"Go. I'll right here if you need more support" I respond. Kara nods her head and she's gone in a burst of wind. 

I wondered what was happening with Alex and it worried me. Now that I could remember our past I was wary of how friendly to be, but she was still my sister-in-law. I hoped that whatever was happening that everything would be ok. 

Kara's POV

I rush to my sister and find her in the training room. I slowly make my way inside and notice that she's sitting on the bench in the corner. Her hands cover her face as her elbows rest on her knees. I sat beside her and she took her hands away from her face. We sat in silence for a few moments before she spoke. 

"Maggie and I got into a big fight" she says quietly. I nearly had to use my superhearing. 

"We started talking about kids again and Maggie said that she got a job offer in Metropolis. Long story short she's leaving and she hates me" Alex chokes out. I put an arm around her shoulders and pull her into a tight hug. 

"Oh Alex" I whisper. I felt guilty as I'm sure the topic came up because Lena and I were having a child. 

"I don't know what's wrong with me Kara. I still love her. It's so hard to hate her even now" Alex says. 

"There's nothing wrong with you, Alex. Whatever you need I'll be here for you" I say. 

"I need to move past her and fast. If I don't I'll only be holding myself back. Can we just not talk about her?" Alex asks. 

"Sure. If that's what you want, but you still need to face this head on. I think you need to really think about this first before you move on. I don't want you to end up hurt again" I respond. 

"I know and I will. I just need sometime to come to terms with it" she sighs. 

I stand up and hold my hand out to her. She takes it and I give it a reassuring squeeze. 

"Why don't we go punch something? This will be a new beginning for you. Try something you haven't before, do something crazy, or scream off the top of your lungs" I smile. 

Alex gives me a small smile. 

"Well, do you mind if we go to the Fortress of Solitude to workout? I prefer the cold anyway and there won't be anyone around to heard me curse the air out" Alex says. 

"Let's do it! Just let me tell Lena before we leave" I say. I see a flash cross her face and I  pause before leaving. I pull her into a hug and hold her at arms length. "You've got this."

"Guess I'm moving on to a new beginning" she chuckles sadly. 

Alex's POV

I was heartbroken to say the least but I was grateful for my sister. Even Lena was being a big help despite not having the closest relationship. It's been several months since Maggie left and I've gradually been getting better. I try to keep myself occupied. Not only with work but with other things. I've taken up reading, running, and even bike riding. 

I was sipping my morning coffee and contemplated what to do with myself. I looked outside my apartment window to see the sun shining. Everyone at the DEO, including my sisters, to take some time off. I could see the cars driving below on the street, birds flying by, people walking, and the park near the waterfront. Today looks like a good day for a bike ride....

I set my mug in the sink and changed into some workout clothes. I rode my bike down to the waterfront and went along the trail. I turned on my headphones and listened to Paint by The Paper Kites. The soothing tune taking away some of my stress. I looked at the rays of sunshine coming through the branches above me. I smiled a little for the first time since Maggie left. I was so engrossed in the music and the scenery around me that I barely heard the shout of surprise before I crashed. We went tumbling down and I rolled across the ground into a crouch. I instinctively reached for my gun on my hip that I had actually left back in the apartment. 

When I looked to what I had ran into I saw a woman trying to sit up and groaning. She was rubbing her head and tried to stand. I rushed over, apologizing profusely, and helped her up. 

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" I say. 

She tightened her hair tie that was in her coppertone hair and laughed. When she looked at me I realized she had very bright blue eyes, like the bluest of seas. 

"Well, considering you were on wheels and I'm on my feet, you would think I would've gotten out of the way fast enough" she smiles. 

She dusts her running clothes off and rubs her head one more time with a wince. 

"I should still really pay attention to where I'm going" I smile back. I pull my bike back up off the ground and she crosses her arms. 

"How about this. It was both of our faults and blame it mostly on the beautiful day for being distracting" she says. 

"Deal" I chuckle. I was really glad she wasn't mad. I'm supposed to be protecting people! Not running them over with my fucking bike. 

"Well, if you're ok and I'm ok, I hope the rest of your ride goes smoothly" she teases. 

"Yeah, I'll be sure to watch where I'm going" I respond. 

We go our separate ways but I can't help the smile that's stuck on my face. I just ran a cute girl over with my bike....


Ok so I felt bad that in most of my stories Alex is kind of on the back burner (even though it's supposed to be a Supercorp fic). You might recognize this new character from my other stories and don't judge. I just like this character and writing for them. I would love to hear any feedback or suggestions! I hope you raccoons still like the story. Stay trashy!

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