Chapter 4: Settling

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Lena's POV

I was settling nicely into my life. I still couldnt remember anything about myself but I have found something out. I'm remarkably good at science and engineering. Alex and I could go on about medical topics and such while Kara eats. There has been one thing eating away at me though.

I havent kissed Kara. It was nerveracking just thinking about it. There were several times I thought we might but ended up not. Wouldnt that be a normal thing that married couples do? It's been months and Kara still treats me from an arms length.

I wanted to respect her space but I'm not sure how much longer I can take. I've fallen in love with my wife again. It seemed to come easily to me and only grew with time. I worried each time she would have a Supergirl mission. I would hold her close when she would return, relieved she was still with me.

She was out on a mission right now. After revealing her identity to me I learned about everything that came with it. I stood in the DEO and watched the monitors as she fought of a rogue alien. I flinched each time she was hit and wanted it to be over. Finally they had taken it into custody and she flew back.

She landed roughly on the DEO balcony and walked in. I made my way to her but was suddenly pushed aside by a medical team that ran to treat her. They ushered Kara into a room and I stood there dumbfounded.

I felt there was no need for my presence and decided to leave. It was a bit overdramatic but I felt useless. I straightened my back and walked out. Emotions and thoughts were swirling within me as I walked mindlessly away. When I looked back up I was back at the Luthor Corp building.

How odd. Why do I keep returning here? Should I know this place? Kara would have told me something about it.

Thinking about Kara only brought sadness as I thought about where she was. I sat on a bench across from the building and stared. I didnt have a clue as to my tie to this place. I had no memories and yet I was drawn here.

Several hours passed without me knowing and I decided to head back home. I started to learn my way around the city and was half way there. Something dropped behind my and I spun around. Kara stood there with wide eyes and scooped me up. She flew me to the top of a building and checked me over.

"Where have you been? I was so worried! I woke up in the sun bed and they said you were gone" she says.

"I was back in front of the Luthor corp building. I knew my way back this time. They were treating you and I felt I was unneeded so I left" I murmur. I didnt dare look  my wife in the eye.

I was usually very strong but those blue eyes melted me in seconds. Kara approached me and wrapped her arms around me. My own arms wrapped around her waist and there was a stinging in my eyes.

"Oh Lena. I will always need you. You are a smart, kind hearted, and strong woman. You are my anchor. They only help me physically to keep me healthy. You are everything else. I'm sorry we made you feel that way" she says into my hair.

I didnt realize she had flown us back to the apartment until I didnt feel the breeze anymore. I stepped back from her and nodded. I kept thinking about that building and what it might mean. I knew that if Kara hadn't mentioned it then it must not hold any great significance.

I was about to walk to the bedroom when I was stopped by Kara. Her hand had reached out and grabbed mine gently. I turned my head and saw that she seemed anxious. A light tug made me face her. The look in her eye made my heart race and I waited to see what she wanted. She shifted her feet and looked away briefly.

"You know I love you right?" She says softly. I look at her confused.

"What?" I murmur.

"Its just-... I know that things have been hard for you but I hope that I've been there for you as much as you are for me. I love you, Lena. Most ardently" she smiles.

"Are you referencing Pride and Prejudice?" I smile. I raise an eyebrow teasingly and Kara laughs.

"Yes Lizzy I am. I hope you wont reject me like the first time though."

I step closer to my wife and chuckle.

"Well, Mrs. Darcy, seeing as I'm already married to you it would seem you wont have to worry" I whisper.

Kara leans her forehead to mine and I close my eyes.

Kara's POV

My heart was pounding in my chest, urging me to do what I've been dying to since bringing Lena home. My hands shakily make my way to her cheeks and cup them gently.

I keep my eyes closed but I could feel her stare. I tilt her head up and softly place my lips on hers. I could tell she was surprised but quickly returned the kiss. Her hands on my back kept me close to her and she deepened the kiss. I smiled, happy that she wanted this too and let her take over. 

Oh my Rao I'm kissing my best friend! She doesnt even know we're not really married. What would she say if she gets her memory back? What will she do? Will she walk away and ignore me? Will she be angry and yell?

Thoughts started to fade away and I instead just enjoyed the moment while I could. We pulled away and I looked to see if she was uncomfortable at all. Her emerald eyes were shining and her soft lips curled into a smile. My thumbs softly rubbed her cheeks and I smiled back.

"I've been waiting for you to do that" she whispers. My heart swells and I kiss her again.

I've fallen in love with my best friend and she doesnt remember. Remember the day we met. Our lunch dates that were nearly every day. The fact that I kept my secret identity from her.

Something overtook my body then and I picked Lena up. I walked back to the window and flew away. I took her to the fortress of solitude and watched her look around. I was amused at how excited and wonderstruck she was. I explained to her where we were and lead her away to the main control.

I placed her hand on the scanner and added her to the system. She would now have complete access to everything.

"Why hadn't we done that before?" Lena asked. I paused for a second and shrugged.

"We, um, never got around to it" I murmured.

She seemed to take my excuse for now and wondered away. As soon as she was out of sight I called Alex.

"Alex! We really need to find this person. I dont how much longer I can keep this up" I whine.

"You'll be fine Kara. You've kept it up this long" Alex says.

"This is different. She was just my friend before all of this. Alex..... I'm falling in love with her" I say quietly.

There was a moment of silence and I worried that Alex would lecture me.

"Well, this complicates things" Alex mutters. I could hear her talking to herself on the other side of the line and wait for her to say something.

"Ok look. We've been trying to track this person down by ourselves but no luck. I have a plan that will hopefully get us some help. I'm going to have Jonn read my mind so that he can see my memories. Once he knows what's happening maybe he can help us look. Just explore this Kara. You deserve to be happy and I can tell that she does that. Friend or more I will support you" she says.

"Thanks Alex. I'll try to keep this up but I really hope that we get this done soon" I mumble.

We say our goodbyes and I walk to the opening in the fortress overlooking to sun setting. I let out a sigh and close my eyes. Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me and turn to see Lena beneath my cape.

"I wasnt cold at first but I'm beginning to feel it now" she says.

"Here, I'll warm you up" I smile. I wrap my cape around her and pull her into my arms.

As I rest my cheek on top of her head I hold her close. I had no idea if we would ever solve this and get Lena's memory back, but I could definitely settle for this. When we get her memories restored I hope I could confess to her and continue this.

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