Chapter 21: Operation Cupid

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Kara's POV

I followed Alex as she ran through the water front park. I sat on nearby buildings and hoped that I would catch a glimpse of this mysterious third person. Alex slowed her run to a walk and sat in the grass. She had really been depressed lately. Just as I was going to fly down to keep her company I could see Sam arriving. I focused my superhearing and waited.

"Hey Alex. Out for a run?" Sam asks.

"Oh, um, hey Sam. Yeah, I'm just blowing off steam. Been really busy lately" Alex responds.

"Oh, I hope everything's going ok?" Sam said worriedly. I could tell she cared a lot about my sister but Alex was keeping her distance.

"Y-yeah, nothing big or dangerous. I've just been busy with other things" she says. Wow, and I'm the awkward one? Damn I must be bad.

"Ok, well then I guess I'll see you?" Sam smiles awkwardly.

"Sure, I'll see you around. Good to see you" Alex gets up and gives a small wave.

I look to Sam who watches after her and slowly turns around to walk again.

I shake my head and fly off back home. It was Lena and I's day off. When I arrived I realized that she was still in bed asleep. Thankfully that was a habit she dropped from her past self. She doesnt stay up into unholy hours of the night and eats regularly. The baby doesnt exactly let her skip meals either anyway.

I make my way into the bedroom and smile. The blankets have been kicked down so that only her waist down was covered. A hand rested protectively over her belly and the other was tucked beneath her chin. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. I made my way beside her and got down to my knees. I softly stroked her hair and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"My soulmate" I whispered. Lena began to stir and her emerald eyes sleepily blinked open.

"My love" she whispers raspily. I giggle and cup her cheek with the hand that was stroking her hair.

"Good morning" I murmur. Lena groans and rubs her belly.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"7am. It's our day off. Did you have anything in mind for today?" I ask.

Theres a twinkle in her eye and she slightly rolls toward me. I feel her lips capture mine and her tongue tease them open. I'm immediately on fire and grin like a goof idiot as if it were my first kiss. I get up and hover above her and kiss her nose, her cheeks, her chin, and her lips.

"Is that so Mrs. Zor-El?" I mutter.

Lena raises an eyebrow and slowly reaches for my suit.

"Yes. I blame the way the sun hit you just perfectly. Your touch and your damned smile" she nearly growls. Dear Rao I'm in for it.

I could feel her fingers begin to work off my suit and I slowly lowered myself onto her. I kiss her collarbone then up her neck where I hear a small gasp. My lips go to her jaw with a smile.

"Then I should take delicate care of my wife" I whisper against her skin.

Lena's hands grasp at me to pull me closer but my super strength holds me up. My suit is finally off and my wife's eyes have gone incredibly dark. I carefully peel away her nightgown and she bites her bottom lip. The sight makes the fire burn brighter in me and I kiss her. Her legs wrap around me and I lower myself more. I know Lena like the back of my hand. I've memorized everything about her body.

I was surprised when I gently hit the bump. I look down and back to Lena with a giggle. Lena smiles and shakes her head.

"I swear if you back out now" she husks.

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