Chapter 24: In training

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Lena's POV

I was glad that Alex had finally found her soulmate. My poor sister-in-law deserves happiness more than most. She was currently pacing my livingroom trying to figure out where to go from here.

"I dont want to just ask her out. I want to get to know her. I want to take this slow. I jumped right into a relationship with Maggie and it didnt end well. I didnt know Sam enough to know her true colors either" Alex argued. I couldnt tell who she was arguing with but I sat silently and listened.

Kara had left for a Supergirl mission not long ago and I hoped that she would be back soon.

"I think I'm just going to try to be her friend for now. Once I feel like I know her enough I'll ask her out" Alex said finally.

She continued to pace then stopped in front of me.

"What do you think?" She frets. Before I could speak Kara flew in with a smile.

"What did I miss?" she smiles.

"Well, we made some progress. Alex finally has a plan that I think sounds reasonable" I respond.

"I want to take this slow. I know she's my soulmate but I want to do this right. Start out as friends and go from there" Alex says.

Kara nods her head and walks over to me. I feel her lightly kiss my temple and softly rub my belly.

"That is how Lena and I started. I like the plan and I think you should go for it. Tonight is supposed to be our first training session. Why dont you come with?" Kara tells Alex.

"If thats ok. I dont want to be a distraction" she says sheepily.

"Not at all. I actually think it will help her focus. Plus Lena usually helps to calm me down when I need it. You could be Rebekahs teddy bear now" Kara smiles.

Alex seemed to be in thought and a smile crossed her face. I wondered what she was thinking about but they were off talking about more plans.

I closed my eyes and focused on Karas heartbeat like she taught me. We had been working on my new powers since I touched the X- Kryptonite. So far I've done really well but there was still room for improvement.

My hormones still seemed to be the same and I still wanted to jump Karas bones every now and then. I was glad that Kara was always ready too and we broke the bed once. Like I said Im still getting used to my new strength.

I had since made myself contacts so I wouldnt have to wear the glasses lined with lead. Kara wore hers more often when we were at home which was dangerous as I found them sexy. My thoughts were interupted when the sisters came back and Kara sat next to me.

"So I'll meet you there and then I'll use you for some of the exercises" Kara says.

"Sounds fine to me. Im going to head to the DEO now. I want to get some paperwork done before we do the training" Alex says.

"Paperwork. I do not miss those days" I snort.

Alex rolls her eyes and says goodbye. Kara and I decide to watch a movie and I snuggle into her. Despite my DNA being completely changed I am still cold. I use Kara as my cuddly heater. She circles her arms around me and I sigh contentedly.

"How do you think training will go?" I ask.

"I think it'll be fine. Rebekah seems like a fast learner and I'm hoping it gives them a chance to bond. I think its a good plan for Alex to become friends with her before jumping into a relationship" Kara says.

"We kind of jumped into a relationship. We were friends before, but we went straight to marriage from there" I tease.

"Thats no fair! I was under pressure and I panicked. You didnt have your memories and I couldnt think of anything else" she pouted.

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