Chapter 10: Let's take a trip

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Lena's POV

My heart broke when Kara told me about how she was feeling. She truly felt terrible for having to lie to me. Knowing this made it much easier to move on. To look past what had happened and focus on each other.

It's been weeks since the incident with Rogue Supergirl. I still havent gained my full memory but I have been getting flashbacks. Most of them about Kara and I. There was something pulling me towards her and I couldnt imagine life without her. My bestfriend, my companion, my confidant, my love.

I turned the ring I held in my hand around and my heart was beating wildly. Today I ask my wife to marry me. To start new and build what we had once had with no secrets between us. I hoped she would say yes. Kara was at Catco for work at the moment and I waited in our apartment for her to return.

The meal was prepped, the candles ready to be lit, and a speech..... A speech I didnt prepare for because whatever came out of my mouth I wanted to be from the heart. I glanced at the clock again and realized she would be off. She would be home any second now.

I went to the bedroom to check myself in the mirror again before I heard a thump in our livingroom.

"Lena? I'm home" I heard her say.

I could hear her walk around and knew she was looking at my decorations.

"I love all of these candles. What's the occasion?"she asks.

I step out of the bedroom and we lock eyes.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you" I smile.

"Are you ok? Your heart rate is kind of high" she began to get closer and I stopped her.

"Why dont we eat? I'll let you change while I get your plate" I say. Curse her superhearing.

Kara gave me a strange look but said nothing else. I placed our plates and lit the candles. Kara reemerged wearing jeans, her hair down, no glasses, and a form-fitting T-shirt. I tried not to stare as we both sat down.

We made small talk and were actually having a good time. We moved on the dessert after Kara had three plates. We decided to go to the roof and grabbed blankets and pillows.

For dessert I had gotten pie and Kara insisted on it being smothered in whipped cream. I took neat bites from my slice while she stuffed hers into her mouth. I watched as she laughed at her story she was telling about  how Alex got stuck in an air vent.

Some whipped cream was left on the corner of her mouth and I moved closer. I used my thumb to wipe it away and she turned to me. She was reclined against the pillows and the low lighting of the roof illuminated her face. I smiled softly at her and kept my hand on her jaw.

"I have something to tell you" I whisper. Kara adjusts herself higher on the pillows so shes sitting up.

"Ok" she says quietly. I knew she could hear the pounding of my heart by the concerned look on her face.

"I dont remember much of what happened between us before" I started.

Kara's face turned confused but she grabbed my hands and rubbed the back of them with her thumbs to soothe me.

"I want to so badly but theres a barrier that is keeping me from doing so. I get bits and pieces every now and then" I say.

"And I cling to them. Every one of them is happy and exciting. Even the new ones are, but I want us to continue. I want everyday to feel like a stroll down memory lane. To keep remembering things whether it be our past or our present."

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