Chapter 9: Who would do that?

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Lena's POV

I clung to Kara with all of my might and felt her sobbing into my shoulder. I could hear her apologizing and I rubbed her back comfortingly. We hear loud footsteps enter the DEO and turned to them. Alex and the other DEO agents had returned. I kept my arms around Kara and Alex narrowed her eyes.

"What the hell just happened! First Kara nearly kills my agents and then I'm left with a destroyed warehouse and Lillian Luthor tied up! Alpha Team surround Supergirl! She may still be Rogue" Alex orders.

The agents surround us and Kara tenses up. I knew that she had finally calmed down and she was no longer a danger, but if the agents got any closer she may go off again. I put my hand out to motion for them to not come closer.

"She's fine Alex. I would call off the agents before you trigger something" I say.

Alex nods to them and they step back.

"Can you please stop breaking things!? I swear I have to Kryptonian proof this whole damn building" Alex grumbles.

The agents leave and Alex approaches us. Kara hangs her head and I squeeze her arm reassuringly.

"Sorry sis" she mumbles.

"Its fine Kara. Just be careful. How are you Lena?" Alex asks.

"I'm fine thanks to Kara. I think there are somethings that we need to discuss in private" I respond.

Alex shares a glance with Kara and nods her head. She walks over to Winns desk to discuss what they would be doing with Lillian.

I turn to Kara and she wont meet my eyes. I lead her away so we could find a place more private. We settle into the training room and are silent for a few minutes.

"There cant be anymore secrets Kara. I need you to be completely honest with me, memories or no memories" I finally say.

"Whatever questions you have I will answer. I promise" she says.

I sigh and keep quiet for a minute. I could feel my body shaking and turn away from her.

"Are we really married?" I whispered.

I looked at her and she shakes her head.

"Why didnt you just tell me the truth?" I ask.

"I thought that I could do this on my own. You helped me with so many things in the past that I wanted to just do one thing in return" she says.

"But with everything that you told me earlier you've saved my life countless times Kara. Theres no need to prove anything. I dont want anymore secrets. From now on we are a team and we discuss things together. Ok?" I respond.

Kara nods and still hasn't looked me in the eye. I pull her into a hug and she slumps forward. The exhaustion and defeat in her is coming off in waves and I lead her out of the room. I get her to sit down at a chair near the center of the main room and find Alex.

"Alex, I'm going to take Kara home. It's been a long day and I think it will help to settle her down. Maybe you should come check on her later too?" I suggest.

"That sounds fine. What about you?" She asks.

I know that she was asking how I was taking the news. Whatever happened the first time in our past must have been big. The worry was etched on Alex's face and seemed she was ready to spring at any moment.

"I'm fine. A little hurt that she didnt want to tell me but it will be fine. I love her Alex and that wont change. For now we will just work on our relationship" I sigh.

Satisfied with my answer Alex nods and I leave. I gather a tattered Supergirl and we head back to the apartment. As soon as we enter everything seems foreign to me again. None of this is mine. None of this is ours. It was always Kara's and I believed that what we had was real. In some ways it is but now I was questioning.

Kara had mentioned that she had first seen me in my office. What office? Where did I work? What did I do? There were so many questions swirling in my brain but I pushed them aside. I helped Kara to bed and she laid down with a thump. I made to leave the room when she reached out and grabbed my wrist gently.

"Please. Stay here? I lost you once today I dont want to lose you again" she says quietly.

I smile sadly and lay down next to her. I kiss her forehead and she wraps an arm around me protectively.

"You wont lose me. I'm right here and always will be" I whisper.

She buries her face in my shoulder and I lightly caress her sides. My finger tips lightly run along her back and she is out like a light. I watch as she sleeps for a few minutes and think about everything that has happened. We could get through this. Our life that we had built this far has been a lie but what we had was real. This feeling that I have when shes near is no lie and I was prepared to fight for it.

Kara's POV

I woke up with my arm still wrapped tightly around Lena. I didnt like when I lost control but yesterday I didn't care. The woman I love was in danger and I couldnt let her go without telling her the truth. She took it remarkably well but I was prepared if she were to change her perspective.

I watched as she slept and admired her. She had gone through so much in life and yet here she was. The strongest, kindest, and bravest woman I had ever met. I felt that one of her legs had made its way in between mine and used it to bring her closer. I tucked myself into the crook of her neck and placed a soft kiss to her delicate skin. I felt her stir and she shifted. Her leg hooked around mine more and she tightened her grip. I enjoyed this and closed my eyes again.

I could hear her heart speed up and wondered what she was dreaming. I thought about the events that happened yesterday and I held onto her tightly. The look on her face at the news I had to share.

I knew I had hurt her, again, and I never wanted to. I felt guilty for it and I could feel my eyes water. I didnt deserve this woman. After everything I had put her through she was still here. Laying next to me and comforting me after I had gone Rogue. Who would do that? Who would immediately forgive a person that has done what I have?

Knowing that Lena had forgiven me and still wanted to have a relationship finally made me break down. I tried to be quiet and not wake her but I felt her stir. Her hands caressed me and the tears slid down the side of my face.

"Darling? Are you alright?" She whispers. I could still hear the sleep in her voice but also concern.

I had lost my voice and no sound was coming out. Only a sob escaped and my body began to shake. The memories of being sent off by my parents, the Phantom zone, and Kal leaving me at the Danvers. My abandonment issues bubbled up to the surface as I thought about this and thought about Lena leaving me. Why wouldnt she?

"Kara, please talk to me. I dont want anymore secrets and I want to help you. Please tell me darling" she murmurs.

Her hands were still rubbing my back and arm. My body continued to shake and I cried for a while. Lena patiently waited for me to calm down and I finally slowed to hiccups. I began to explain to her in a stuttering, broken whisper about what I was feeling. She stayed quiet and her rubs were calming me down. When I finished she stopped and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry that happened. I had no idea and I hope I never make you feel that way. I would never abandon you Kara. Despite what happened yesterday I still love you. I still think of you as my wife and I want to care for you. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" she says.

I move back on my pillow to look at her through more tears. Who would say that? Who is this woman?

I look into her eyes and see the love in their emerald depths. My hand goes to caress her cheek and I lean in. I kiss her lips and she pulls me close to her. I am deeply in love with Lena and I hope that one day I would really get to call her my wife. I rest my forehead against hers and close my eyes.

My soulmate would do this.

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