Chapter 13: Fear

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Lena's POV

Good god. I am a married woman now. Not fake but a real wife to someone I am ardently in love with. I continued to look at the ring that has been on my finger for months but now has new meaning. How many times I have put it on and not had another thought about it. My wife beside me fast asleep from another long  night. She lay on her stomach facing me and her back gently raising and falling with every breath. I lightly drag my fingertips over her bare skin and wonder what I had done to deserve this. 

Kara had told me about Mon-El returning and I grew worried. He had been her first love and I thought that she may leave me. Leave the memoryless woman for the man that had been her world all those years ago. Yet as she told me about it she held me close and told me that she was glad she had closure. Knowing that she had moved on and can put it behind her. I wanted to believe her but my insecurities were getting the best of me. 

We have only been married for a day now. Yesterday was the best day of my life and I'm thankful that I will be able to remember it forever. The way that she kissed me at the makeshift alter in the meadow. How we danced for the first time as a married couple. Mon-El shouldnt bother me but it does. 

I continue to trace each curve of her body until I feel her begin to stir. I stop and tuck my hand beneath my head. Kara turns to me and her groggy eyes flutter open. I see her smile and she wraps an arm around me.

"Good Morning wifey" she murmurs.

"Good morning darling" I reply softly.

Kara leans in and kisses me. I return it eagerly and will for it to wash away my insecurity. My hand escapes from beneath me and holds her jaw. My thumb runs its edge and her cheek. Kara pulls back and I keep my eyes shut. I try to feign content and hope she doesnt think anything is bothering me. It seems to work as she gets out of bed in all her naked glory and goes to the bathroom.

I turn to face it and hold the sheet over myself. Kara may be brave enough to walk around in her birthday suit in broad daylight but I'm not. She comes back out this time in a night dress and sits at the edge of my side of the bed. I smile up at her and she leans down to kiss me again.

"What do you want to do today? It is technically our honeymoon" she grins.

"How about somewhere with snow? I cant remember a time that I had been in snow. Plus we would get to be close in order to keep warm" I laugh.

"Snow it is! Oh! We can go snowtubing, snowboarding- but I'm not very good- or build a snowman. I wanted to build a snowman once when Alex and I were kids but she said it was too childish. She also taught me not to eat the yellow snow because it's actually pee. I dont know why I would even eat the snow anyway. I dont like when snow gets down my shirt because it melts and gets me all wet" Kara rambles.

I chuckle at her and sit up. The sheet that was wrapped around me bunches around my waist and leaves my chest exposed. Kara's rambling stops and she stares at me.

"Staring is rude darling" I smirk.

"Wh-what? I wasnt staring. Where was I? Oh yeah. Once I get wet my clothes stick and it's really uncomfortable" she continues.

I shake my head as I get out of bed and put on a shirt and some pants. Kara flashes away while I make breakfast and comes back with our snow gear. I set down a plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns for her. I set a pancake with some eggs on my own and sit with her. 

"What snowy place are we going to dear?" I ask, sipping my coffee. 

"I was thinking about Colorado? Then I have a surprise destination" she smiles. I raise an eyebrow and smile back. 

Once we finish breakfast I put on my snowcoat and beanie on my head. As I turn around I notice Kara staring again. 

"Is this how the rest of our lives will be? You continuously staring at me?" I tease. 

"Would you protest?" she counters. I purse my lips and shake my head. 

My wife pulls into her and kisses me softly. We exit our little cabin and take off for Colorado. As we flew I tucked myself into the crook of her neck to keep the wind from my face. I felt us land a few minutes later and sighed as I felt solid ground beneath me. Kara chuckled and held me steady as I gathered myself. 

I looked around at the scenery before me and gasp. Light flakes of snow fell from the sky giving the place a magical feel. When I looked back at Kara she nearly seemed to glow and my breath hitched.

Kara turned my way and I couldnt help the urge to kiss her. The problem with Mon-El nagged at my mind as I crashed my lips to hers. I could feel her strong arms wrap around me tightly and she kissed me back. The snow around us continued to fall but I paid the cold no attention. We finally came up for air and Kara looked down at me.

"I feel like theres been something running through that beautiful mind of yours. What are you thinking?" She asks. The concern and love in her eyes make my eyes water and I look down to stare at her jacket.

"You can tell me honey" she urges.

She gently tilts my head to look back up at her and a cold tear leaves my eye, a freezing trail running down my cheek.

"I cant stop thinking about your ex being here. I know theres nothing going on anymore but he was your first love. I'm just the woman who was once your best friend and lost her memory. I can only imagine how much work I must be and think that it must be exhausting" I murmur.

My gloves hands play with the front of her jacket as I look back down. Kara says nothing and then cups my cheek in her hand. Her lips sear mine in a burning kiss and I could feel the passion in it. Her tongue peeks out to meet mine and causes me to tighten my grip on her.

When we finally pull back Kara smiles at me.

"Lena, Mon-El's return means nothing to me anymore. If you had asked Kara back then I would have said that I missed him and wanted him back. When I returned to find out what had happened to you it felt infinitely worse. The pain I felt sending him away was a small bruise in comparison to the feeling of losing you. I love you Lena. Nothing will ever change that or come in between" she says.

The fear I had once felt had finally vanished. I threw my arms around my wife and let of few more tears slide down my face. After enjoying the embrace we continued to walk through the woods and watch the snow fall. Kara kept her arm around me and it was all I needed in that moment. My wife, some snow, and a fearless future ahead of us.

I know it's been a while but I'm not going to lie I've had major writers block. I also havent really felt like writing which I know not writing and writing shitty kind of gives you guys the shit end of the stick. I hope this chapter was ok and would love feedback! I'm also open to suggestions of where you want the story to go. Stay safe Raccoons and Happy Halloween!

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