Chapter 23: My what?

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Kara's POV

I see Alex freeze and take a step back. I knew that this would be a shock to her and she may not want to know.

"M-my what?" She stutters.

"Your soulmate. The Fortress must have scanned you when you went with me that one time. I took Lena there to show her we were soulmates and it showed a list of everyone. It included you and your soulmate" I explain.

Alex stands in bewilderment and looks off into space.

"Do you want to know who it is?" I ask.

Alex was still for a moment before she shook her head.

"No, not right now. I cant handle this right now. I dont want to know. I need some time to think about this and get my head straight" she says absently.

I watch Alex leave and quickly fly to Lena. I startle her and hug her from behind to steady her.

"I really need to get used to that" she mumbles.

"You probably never will" I chuckle. I kiss her shoulder and enjoy the embrace for a moment.

"I told Alex about the soulmates" I said softly.

"What did she say? Is she goinng to ask them out?" Lena asks. I shake my head.

"She didnt want to know yet. Alex is going through a lot with this and she wanted some time to sort it out" I sigh.

"So she doesnt know who it is yet but she knows she has one? And she knows that we know who it is?" Lena concludes.

"I figured she'll ask who it is when shes ready" I say. "Theres another thing."

"Oh? What else happened? Is it about the mission she called you about?"

"I found X-kryptonite" I say. I see the wheels turning in Lenas head. Suddenly she turns around and grabs my arm.

"Please tell me no one bad touched it" she groans.

"No, no one bad. Rebekah touched it not knowing what it was. Shes in the medbay right now under the sun lamps and Alex should be there with her" I respond.

"Well, thats interesting. You will have to train her to control her new powers now. It will be strange to have another Kryptonian too" Lena says. I shift on my feet and fidget with my cape.

"I sense a disturbance in the force" Lena says lowly. "What is it, darling?"

"Would you maybe want to make one more?" I mumble, not making eye contact.

"Kara we've already made one more" she laughs. She places my hand on her ever growing belly and I meet her eyes. Her smile starts to fade as she realizes what I mean.

"You want me to touch it." She says it more a statement than a question.

"Yes" I whisper.

"Are you sure Kara? Not that Im completely opposed to the idea but what will it do to the baby?" She asks worriedly. Her hands go to our little Krypton protectively as she looks down at it.

"The baby is exactly why I think you should do it. Nothing will happen to them. In fact it will help protect both of you, and thats a chance I dont want to pass up" I explain.

Lena studies my face and her hand goes to my cheek. Her thumb lightly runs over it soothingly and I close my eyes.

"Youre that worried about us?" She whispers. I nod my head slowly and a tear leaves my eye.

"Then lets go. Just know that I will now be able to lift heavy objects and you cant use the human excuse anymore" she teases.

I open my eyes with a smile and capture her lips with mine. I hold her close to me before picking her up to leave.

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