Chapter 5: Hold Me Close

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Lena's POV

Since I've kissed Kara we have been closer than ever. I continue with my wifely duties and she continues with hers. Thankfully Supergirl hasn't been in really big danger and there have been no big incidents. I love when she comes home to tell me about her day. Kara seems so excited and curious about nearly everything.

Today I was nervous because I wanted to ask Alex to work at the DEO. I learned quickly how everything worked and I seemed to remember information I dont remember learning. I knew Kara would be hesitant in letting me do this since she was very protective of me.

So, I made her potstickers and planned something special for tonight. Kara said she would be home a little late so I had some time to prepare. The food had been made and I began to work on the livingroom. I got her favorite blanket and folded it to drape over the back of the couch. I grabbed pillows and set them everywhere.

I could hear the keys turning in the door and smiled wondering why she used the door. I turn to see that she has a large box in her arms. Knowing she can carry a whole train on her shoulders I wasnt surprised when she held it in one arm with ease.

I went to the bedroom to put on my robe and tried to calm myself.

"Lena?" She called out. I could hear the box being set down and I let out a breath.

"The bedroom darling" I respond. Theres movement out in the main room and curtains to our bedroom block my view. I had just tied my robe shut when she walked in.

"How was work?" I ask.

"It was good. I got most of the new article done. Once its finished I just need to refine it so I should be done with it soon. Why is your heartbeat so fast? Are you ok? Did something happen?" I could see the concern etched on her face and laugh. I go to her and softly caress her cheek.

"No, nothing is wrong. I'm just happy that you're home. I also wanted to ask you something" I say. I bite my lip and Kara nods slowly. "I want to work at the DEO."

My wife's eyes go wide and she stiffens for a moment. My hands move from her cheek to her shoulders.

"I know you're worried about me but I'll be safe. I want to help more technological wise than tactically anyway. I havent asked Alex yet because I wanted to tell you first" I explain. Kara continues to stare with her mouth now agape and I grow nervous. Was this that bad of an idea?

I can feel my shoulders begin to droop and I look down. Perhaps I shouldnt have said anything. Before I could walk away Kara wrapped me in her arms.

"I think it's a great idea. I knew how much you like this kind of thing, but will you please be careful? I know you dont want to do the tactical part but sometimes you might have to. I'll go with you to talk to Alex" she says.

I grin and nod my head before launching myself at her. I kissed her lips and felt her smile against me.

"Thank you! Now let's go eat. I dont have superhearing and I can hear your growling Kryptonian belly" I tease.

"Hey! Dont talk bad about my belly" she pouts.

The rest of the evening is full of chatter and laughing. I was relieved that she was supportive of this. I was happy where I was but I wanted to try something new. We had finished the movie we watched after dinner and headed to bed. Kara put on her pajama pants but left on only a sports bra. I had already changed earlier and took off my robe. It was a simple nightgown that stopped about mid thigh.

As I hung up the robe I could feel my wife's eyes on me. I still get nervous and shy around her. My lack of memory of our early relationship made me unsure of how far I could take things. I'm also having to relearn everything about our relationship. I wasnt quite ready for more but God help me it was tempting.

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