Chapter 11: Getaway

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Kara's POV

Lena and I decided to keep our engagement a secret from everyone. I knew that if Lillian had found out we were 'married' then others would too. If they were to find out we were just engaged they would know it was fake. With everyone having their memory wiped still, I needed it to stay that way for my loves sake. They couldnt know who she really was and gain their memory back. It was best to leave the civilians in the dark.

After our night in the tub I was incredibly shy with Lena. It was the first time I had ever seen her nude and we didnt sleep with each other. We simply spent time together in an intimate environment with no sex. How we did that I have no idea but I was grateful. I wanted it to happened when we both knew the moment wa right. 

In the meantime Lena continues to have small flashbacks. I want to be able to sit down and explain everything to her but Alex advised that she remember on her own. There would be less damage that way and I would only be there to connect the pieces. Shes starting to figure out exactly what she did. My CEO and genius of Lcorp.

Lena seemed interested in her old job position but said that she likes the housewife life too. If I had my way I would hide her away from any danger, but I knew that wouldnt be ideal.

I watched her now as she worked on a new device at the DEO. She had come a long way and she was starting to seem like the old Lena more and more. Her back was turned toward me and she was completely oblivious to the world around her. I walked behind her and snaked my arms around her waist.

I placed a kiss to the hair on the back of her head and rested my forehead there. I felt her relax some and her movements paused.

"Will you coming in while I work become a regular thing?" She chuckles. I smile thinking about our lunch dates in the past.

"I hope so. I used to do it all the time and you didnt protest" I smile. Lena turns around with a grin and wraps her arms around my neck.

"I can see why. Having you here is always my favorite" she says.

I close my eyes to enjoy the moment only to have it ruined by my sister.

"Ok enough of that. Lena how is the device coming along?" Alex says behind me.

I groan and release Lena from my hold. I give Alex the stink eye which does nothing because she isnt looking at me. Lena gets excited and explains to Alex how everything is going.

I cross my arms and watch as they continue to tinker on whatever hunk of metal Lena built.

"Hey Lena I brought that trigger switch you wanted" Winn suddenly says behind me.

I was so focused on my fiancee that I didnt even hear Winn enter the room. I shot up into the air and pressed my back to the ceiling. I knew I probably looked like a retarded scared cat but I glared at Winn.

He looked up with a confused expression and Alex laughed. I wanted to hide in the corner away from them.

"Darling? Why dont you come down. Winn apologize and Alex please stop laughing at your sister. The next time either of you are scared shitless I'll be sure to make a spectacle of it" Lena says in her no nonsense tone.

I slowly float down and sit down in the chair that Lena gestured to. She kissed my forehead and then played with some strands of my hair. She continued on with the device and winna and Alex had gone silent. My loves hand running through my hair had calmed my nerves. I pulled my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling.

Not long after we were again interrupted by another agent announcing that we were needed in the city. I reluctantly left after pressing a kiss to Lena's cheek and flew to see what was going on.

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