Chapter 31: Memory Lane

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Alex's POV

I stretched out my limbs as the sun started to come through my window. The lump next to me grumbled and wrapped their arms around me. I was suddenly very aware that neither of us was wearing clothes. I remembered what happened last night and turned to look at them.

Rebekah's coppertone hair was splayed out on her pillow and a strand hung over her face. I tucked it behind her ear and I could see a faint smile on her lips. Her bare shoulder peeked out from under the blankets and I lightly trailed my fingertips up and down her side.

The sun was hitting her face perfectly. I moved myself closer so that our foreheads touched. I was so happy. So content. So in love. I closed my eyes to lock this is in my memory.

"I love you" I whispered.

Rebekah moved the slightest bit and I held my breath. Her arms tightened and we were now flush against each other. I blushed at the feeling and smiled. I wished I could wake up this way everyday.

Rebekah stirred some more and I opened my eyes to see hers drooping sleepily.

"Morning" I whisper.

"Good Morning Babycakes" she smiles. I roll my eyes and turn over away from her.

She moves closer and presses against my back and leans over to kiss my temple.

"You said I could call you that in the bedroom" she teases.

"I said in your dreams" I say mock annoyingly.

"Dont you dream in the bedroom?" She retorts.

Her hands are suddenly at my sides and I squirm.

"No tickles! Stop!" I screech. She continues to tickle me and I laugh until my sides hurt and I have to catch my breath.

She finally stops and I turn to her face. Her body hovers over me and I look into her bright blue eyes. Rebekah's smile suddenly starts to turn serious and it worries me.

"What?" I ask softly. She quiet for a moment and I rub her arms gently.

There's something in her eyes and they're now cloudy. I thought she was upset about something and I lean up to her to kiss her lips.

"What is it?" I ask gently again. My heart is hurting thinking that she's hurting.

"Marry me...."

Lena's POV

"Kara, I'm home" I call. I had gone off to work at the DEO while Kara stayed home with Alura.

I got no answer except the sound of giggles coming from the nursery. I silently fly over so I don't alert my wife and child and peek in. What I saw melted my heart.

Alura lay in a little relaxing swing staring up. Kara hung upside down with her feet on the ceiling. She wore her Supergirl suit and wrapped herself in her cape.

"Peekaboo!" She smiles, emerging from her cape. Alura burst into a fit of giggles as they continued to play.

I let my feet touch the ground and push the door open more. Kara realized I was there and froze. I look to Alura who waved her little fists in the air and kicked her feet.

"Having fun, darling?" I chuckle. Kara floats back down to the floor and she blushes.

"Maybe. I was just trying to entertain her" she says. I pick Alura up from her little seat and she lets out a gurgle.

"Hello, my sweet Alura. Were you good for jeju today?" I coo. She puts a fist into her mouth and I gently remove it.

"She did fine. She was looking for you at first, but I distracted her enough" Kara says.

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