Chapter 12: Fond Memories

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Lena's POV

I groaned at the sunlight now shining in my face and tried to stretch out my aching limbs. I have no idea when Kara and I went to sleep last night. My eyes flutter open and theres a ray of sun coming through the bedroom window. Kara's arm is wrapped tightly around my waist and I smile. Turning I see her sleeping peacefully. Her hair is fanned out on the pillow, no doubt from last nights activities, and the sheets are barely covering her bare body. I decide a shower is very much needed and do the best I can in escaping. Thankfully I succeeded without waking her up. 

I step into the bathroom and begin to shower. There was a giddy feeling within me as I thought about what we did yesterday. I couldnt wipe the grin off my face as I washed the soap from my hair. Suddenly there was a flash behind my eyelids and I nearly fell over. I saw a crowd. They had gathered around me as I stood on a stage. There was a statue of Supergirl some distance away and the crowd cheered. My attention shifted from the people in front of me to the roof of a nearby building. The red and blue figure stood tall before disappearing. My heart beat wildly as I willed them to return. The memory was over and the steam from the shower took over the room. 

"Lena? Love, are you ok? Why is there so much steam in here?" I hear Kara call. 

"Im in the shower darling. I'll be out in a moment" I respond. 

I exit the shower and wrap myself in a towel. The steam had started to clear since Kara opened the door and I saw her in the doorway. She had put on some tight sweatpants and a sports bra.  I forget how to walk for a moment and reach out to steady myself. Kara catches me and I'm now pressed up against her. 

"What happened? I didn't do any damage did I?" she asked worriedly. 

"No love I feel fine. I just had a memory while I was in the shower and it's thrown me off" I laugh.  

"You remembered something? What was it?" she asked. 

We walked back to the bedroom and I put on a dress. Kara sat on the bed and waited for me to tell my story. 

"I was on a stage, there was a crowd, and a statue of you. I hadn't a clue what was going on but as I looked up at a building I saw you watching and then you left" I explain. Kara smiled and stood up. She grabbed my hands and rubbed the backs with her thumbs. 

"You had dedicated a statue to Supergirl and I wanted to be there for you. It was after Mon-El had been sent away and I was so heartbroken. You truly made me smile for the first time since that day. It was the beginning of when my feelings started to grow. Of course I didn't know I was really in love with you until we were fake married, but I was even then" Kara says. 

I hug her close and cuddle into her chest. I loved hearing about our past together, how we really met, and our tight-knit relationship. Slowly but surely I was getting my memory back.


Kara and I returned back home to National City to get back to work. I put on my dress clothes to go to the DEO. Skirt, blouse, heels, and hair pulled into a tight bun. I was walking out of the bathroom trying to put on an earring when I noticed Kara staring. 

"Do you see something you like darling?" I smirk. 

"I swear you look more like your old self everyday. It just surprises me thats all" she smiles. 

"And you, love, will be late if you dont leave now." I pressed a kiss to her lips and she smiles again. 

Kara's POV

I was happy that Lena was remembering things now. The things she would bring up would also remind me of those days and as I watched her walk away to go to work, I wondered how lucky I was. 

I could remember the day I first met her in her office, completely oblivious to what the future held for us. How nervous I was and my immediate attraction to her. I had passed it as admiration for a woman who wanted to prove her worth. I remember the first time we had lunch in her office. I had been so nervous and I finally realize why. The day I brought Lena home from the hospital was both the best and worst day. Sure, I've saved her from being killed countless times but having her memories erased.....

I took off for Catco and settled into my desk. My laptop began to come alive and I noticed a figure approaching. When I looked up I discovered it was James. We had a couple of arguments after I had brought Lena home. He only knew the new Lena with no memories and didnt like that I had brought a 'complete' stranger into my home. Of course Jonn restored his memory but for some reason his feelings were the same. Why he wanted to talk to me now I have no idea. 

"James. Can I help you?" I ask politely. He seemed nervous a ducked his head. James played with his fingers and motioned for me to follow him. With Lena no longer CEO, James had taken over again. 

Once inside his office we sat down in our respectable chairs and I waited for him to speak. 

"There's something that I need to tell you and I dont know how you'll feel about it" he said carefully. 

"James I would rather you just say it. I have three articles to write and turn in" I say. 

"Mon-El. He showed up at my apartment. I dont know how he is here or when but he wants to see you. He told me everyhting that he's been through. Im so sorry Kara but he said that he's married now" James says. 

I freeze and a million thoughts flash around my head. Just as I was moving on and forgetting what had happened he comes back. Why? Why cant I just have my happiness? 

"I'm married now too James. I dont want to see him. He left and I stayed. His coming back wont change anything. I'm glad that he found someone just like I did" I respond.

"Well, I wasnt expecting that" a deep voice said behind me. 

I spun around to find Mon-El standing in the doorway to the office. I stood up from my chair and stared. He was really here. 

"I just wanted to see you. I was a bit confused when I asked James about everyone and he said you were married to Lena?" he says. 

I wanted to say something, but all I felt was anger. I dont know why but I wanted to scream at him and tell him to go back where he came from. Mon-El started to walk toward me and with each step my anger grew. 

"Kara" he starts to say. 

"No, you dont get to judge me. You cant just walk back in here and expect me to come falling at your feet" I snap.

"I wasnt tryi-"

"I am married now and so are you. Why couldn't you just let me be?" I say frustratedly. 

"Yes, I am married. I thought that coming back here was impossible and so I tried to move on. Yet I couldnt walk away completely because I still love you. I wanted what we had back" he yells out. 

"I dont love you" I hiss. His eyes go wide and he stops walking to me. "What we had was a young teenage  romance with a girl having a crush on a boy. I realized that after you left."

"I came back from visiting my mother and found that everyones minds had been wiped of Lena. No one knew where she was, how she was, or who she was. At that moment I felt an indescribable pain and dread thinking that I had lost her" I say. 

"It hit me like a kryptonite bomb that losing Lena for what was only a few days was far worse than what I felt when I lost you for years. Something deep within me told the doctor that she was my wife when I picked her up from the hospital. I am in love with Lena and you showing up wont change that" I finish. 

Mon-El stood dumbfounded for a moment and his mouth opened and closed several times. 

"Well, then I guess my presence here is unneeded and unwanted" he said angrily. 

"I guess so" I say. I turn away from him and hear him leave the office. 

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