Chapter 8: Choose

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Kara's POV

Things have been tense between Lena and I since that night. I felt terrible for what I did and couldnt face her. I knew she was avoiding me as well but I didnt feel like she was angry. There was something else and I couldnt make out what it was.

This felt an awful lot like the first big fight we got into. When I first told the past Lena that I was Supergirl. I was still deciding whether to tell her about her losing her memory. Alex and I were closer to finding out who was behind all if this but it was a slow process.

Alex was showing me a possible lead but I didnt pay attention. Lena was at her desk working away as she did late into the night at L-Corp. I stared at her focused figure and snapped out of my trance when Alex raised her voice.

"Kara! Did you hear anything I just said?" She sighs. I duck my head in embarrassment and my sister groans.

"Why dont you check on Catco? Maybe the DEO isnt the best place for you right now."

I knew Alex really meant that being around Lena wasnt the best. I was frustrated with myself and took off from the balcony. I did as I was told and went to Catco. I quickly changed back into to my civilian clothes and sat at my desk. I set up my laptop, writing pad, and pencil. I stared at them as I leaned back in my chair and the sounds around me disappeared. Everything was blocked out in that moment.

I couldnt help but keep thinking about Lena. There was a war within me on whether to come forth with the truth or not. I knew I sounded like a broken record but what could I say? Would else could I do?

I pushed her to the back of my mind and got to work. I wrote as much of my new article as possible until I got a phone call. The vibration and sudden noise pulled me from my concentration. I picked up my phone to see Alex's number and picture light up my screen. I slid the answer button over and put it to my ear.

"Alex you know you could use the comms right?" I smirk.

"Kara, I need you to come to the DEO. I'll explain everything soon but I need you here" she says. I could hear the concern and almost fear in her voice.

"I'm on my way."

I quickly hang up and take off. A million scenarios play through my head on the short flight and land on the DEO balcony. I walk inside and look around. Immediately I notice that Lena's desk is empty.

"Alex!" I yell.

"I'm here. Now I need you to come with me" Alex motions for me to follow.

She leads me to the training room and I see agents nervously watch me. I could hear the loud thumping of their heartbeats and I begin to have fear creep up on me. We enter alone and she closes the door.

"I'm going to turn on the Kryptonite emitters before I tell you" she says.

She flips the switch and I feel the familiar weakness as the room turns green.

"What's going on Alex?" I ask with a strain in my voice.

My sister refuses to meet my eyes and she hesitates.

"Lena has been captured."

My heart plummets and I could feel myself beginning to lose control.

"By who?" I growl.

"We dont know. The other agents said they noticed her leave the building for something but she never came back. I have the sickening feeling that Lillian may be behind it" Alex says.

I could feel my fists clench at my sides and a burning in my eyes.

"Lillian" I say lowly.

"Kara, you need to calm down. We will find her but you need to be in control" Alex says. I see her hands go out as if to stop me.

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