Chapter: 26 Hit or Shitshow

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I know there's less Supercorp in this story now but this book is also coming to an end soon. I would love to hear suggestions or just what you guys are thinking will happen. I'm trying to keep Supercorp within these last few chapters as we build up Alex's relationship. Enjoy!

Alex's POV

I haven't seen Rebekah all that often lately. I was actually busy with the DEO and she was put on multiple assignments from the government as well. 

I miss her...

We have gotten along so well and I looked forward to goofing off once in a while. 

She had finished her training with Kara a few weeks ago and I heard she did really well. I was going to my sisters house to visit and check on the baby. I walked up to the door when a thought struck me. If Lena can get pregnant from Kara because she's a Kryptonian, does that mean that I can from Rebekah now?

My cheeks heat up at the thought and I knock on the door. I didn't want to get ahead of myself because we werent even dating yet. My sister-in-law opens the door and gives me a smile.

"Alex! It's wonderful to see you. Is it hot outside? I'm honestly astonished how Kara did this. I can't tell the difference between cold and hot anymore" she says. 

"Oh, it's not that hot. How are you doing? Besides being a horrible weather woman?" I laugh. 

We walk into the house and hear a few thumps somewhere in the house. 

"Kara was just finishing changing. There was a Supergirl problem and she came back full of sap" Lena says. 


"There was a cat in a tree I think."

Kara comes tumbling down the stairs and smiles at me. 

"Hey Alex! I really hate tree sap. Like, I find everything about Earth beautiful but I really hate sap. It gets stuck everywhere and its even harder when its in your hair. I also don't like cats anymore. They're stupid for climbing trees and then not being able to get down. Once I get there to help them they try to scratch me too! I wanted to leave the stupid thing up there but the little girl looked so sad. Anyway, how have you been?" she got out in one breath. Lena and I both laugh at her.

"I've been ok. The DEO has been busy and I haven't seen Rebekah in a while. Do you know what she's been up to?" I ask. 

"I dont think so. I havent seen her since our last training session and she seemed only a little distracted. I thought it was just because it wasn't you training her" Kara says. 

"Perhaps she's gone on assignment? She said that the government often asks for help for things when they want it done quietly" Lena suggests. 

"I thought that too. I'll just wait and see what happens. How has the baby been?"

I change the subject because this is only making me miss Rebekah more. Lena tells me about the shenanigans from last night and I ask her to xray her bump. She tells me what it looks like at least skeletal wise and check everything off. 

"Sounds like everything is going good. I do want you two to go to the DEO so I can have a look for myself" I say. 

"Hey we were thinking of doing a game night. Do you want to come? We're going out for ice cream first" Kara says. 

"Sure. When is it? I'm also going to assume that you picked out going to ice cream" I smirk. 

"Shut up! You like ice cream and you know it! Now are you coming or not?" she pouted. 

"We were thinking tomorrow night. Kara will be asking Rebekah to come as well. Winn will be coming and so is James" Lena explains. 

"I'll be there. I'm bringing booze though. No fucking way I'm doing that sober" I laugh. 

"We'll see you then Alex" Lena smiles. 

I make my way out saying my goodbyes and there's a nervousness in me now. Game night will either be a hit or a shitshow. 

Lena's POV

I could see that Alex seemed nervous for game night with Rebekah being invited. I was setting out snacks when I felt Kara hug me from behind.  Her nose nuzzles my neck and her hands settle on my waist. 

"We have guests on their way darling" I chuckle. 

"I know. I hope that Alex doesn't get too shy with Rebekah here" Kara says. 

"I can tell she likes her a lot. Of course, they're soulmates but Rebekah doesnt know that" I say. 

The doorbell rings then and Winn and James walk in. 

"Hey, hey! How is Supercorp doing?" Winn smiles. 

"We're fine Winn. What have you guys been up to?" Kara asks. 

"Well, I have been using my geeky brain to update the software at the DEO and also may have a crush" he says. 

"A crush? Who is it!?" Kara squeals. They go on to talk about some girl that Winn had met and I turn to James.

"Anything to report Mr. Olsen?" I ask. 

"Nothing much. Still taking pictures and doing my own thing" he says. The doorbell rings again and I open it to find my sister-in-law. 

"Hey Lena!" Alex smiles. I see that it isn't quite ear to ear. I then notice her look around. 

"She isn't here yet" I say softly. Alex looks away as I let her in and we all gather to talk and have some snacks. 

Poor Alex seems on edge waiting for Rebekah to show up. She's probably drank a few beers and her eyes are starting to get droopy. 

Finally there's a knock on the door and Kara gets up to open it. Rebekah stands in our doorway wearing black jeans, white fitted shirt, and a jean jacket. Alex sets down her beer slowly as Rebekah walks in. 

"Hope I'm not too late. I picked up some cake from a bakery I know" she says shyly. 

"Hey Bekah! What's up my deadly sister" Winn smiles. 

"Hey, Winn" Rebekah laughs. James nods to her and I give her a hug. Alex smiles at her as she settles next to her on the floor. 

"This seating is exquisite" Rebekah jokes. 

We laugh together and I smile at Kara. 

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