Chapter 16: I did?

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Kara's POV

So far the pregnancy has been going well. The two that have gone by since we found out were quiet and I intended to keep it that way. I was constantly on the look out for any danger and felt like a body guard. I listened to everything and inspected everything that moved. My family's lives were at stake and I would defend them til-...

"Kara? Are you narrating yourself like a spy again? Darling, nothing is going to happen to us. We're right here safe and sound. See?" Lena smiles.

We were walking at the park in National City where a pond was to the side of us. The warm summer air was still with a cool breeze brushing our skin. In just the two days since we left the DEO I've been preoccupied. Protecting your pregnant wife was hard work! There were no breaks and anything could happen at any moment!

"No, I'm just enjoying the walk" I mumble.

"I can see your crinkle, love. It's not even been a week and you're already a paranoid mother. What are you so worried about?" She asks.

She doesnt remember the many assassination attempts. How many times I had saved her life. How many times I cried soon after because it had scared me how close I was to being too late. Lena had always been independent though and wouldnt let anything stop her. Not even the threat of someone trying to kill her.

"I'm just worried about everything. In the life before you lost your memories you would have an assassination attempt nearly everyday! And everyday I worried for you. You would never bat an eye but now it's different. Then you were my best friend and I would risk everything to save you. As my wife now how do you think I feel?" I sigh.

We stop walking and Lena stares up at me. It scares me and I feel like I may have hurt her. Her eyes stare into mine for a few more moments before she blinks.

"I did?" She says quietly.

"Yes, you did. I know you remember the office but you dont know the complete story. I want to give you time to remember on your own but please understand the things that I do. It's not just because I'm paranoid. I mean, I am, but that's not the point. I'm just saying that from what I experienced it still worries me. I just want to hold onto something that I love. I've told you about Krypton, and you and this baby are my New Krypton. If you were threatened I dont know what I will do" I finish.

Lena is still quiet but her arms make it around my waist. I pull her into a tight hug and I chuckle.

"Rogue Supergirl will probably be in overdrive, that's what'll happen" I joke. I could feel Lena chuckle and pull back.

"I love you Kara. I'm sorry I didnt think that this may be hard for you. It's frustrating that these memories are taking so long to come back. But, no one should remember who I was anymore. There will be no one looking for me and I am simply your wife" she says.

I kiss the top of her head and we continue walking around the pond. Lena presses into my side and I smile. I felt bad that I may have hurt her with my speech earlier but was glad that she understood.

Lena's POV

I loved the protective side of Kara but I wish I knew how to help her. I knew she was having a hard time with not being too paranoid but at the same time I didn't mind. My work at the DEO went down significantly due to there being so many hazardous material I would usually work with. Today would be the first test that Alex would try. Kara would be meeting there as she had some Supergirl business to handle. 

As soon as I walked in I noticed a woman that I had never seen talking to Alex. My sister-in-law seemed completely engrossed their conversation and the woman laughed at something she said. I walked up to them with a smile of my own and raised an eyebrow at Alex. 

"Lena! Shoot I totally forgot we were doing the test today. Just give me a few minutes to set everything up. Kara should be here soon" Alex said hurriedly. She quickly walked away to one of the med rooms and I exchanged a look with the mystery woman. 

"Sorry. She may just be nervous since I'm her sister-in-law. I'm Lena, I dont believe I've seen you here before" I smile. I shake her hand and she laughs. 

"I'm Sam. I just started here. I was told that Kara is Alex's sister? I still have to get her file to read according to Alex" Sam says. 

"Yes, there is a lot to read about Kara, but there's one thing above else that you should know. She can be a little-.." I'm cut off by a thud coming from the balcony to the side of the main room. 

Kara strides into DEO in her supersuit and immediately makes eye contact with me. Her attention then flicks to Sam and her steps nearly echo throughout the building. She looks completely intimidating and her sights are locked on the poor new hire. Once she reaches us she stands stiffly while glaring down at Sam.    

"Speaking of which. Sam this is Kara. Kara  this is Sam. She said that she is a new member here" I explain. Kara's gaze softens at Sam and her demeanor completely changes. 

"Hi Sam! It's nice to meet you. What unit will you be in?" she asks sweetly. I can sense her jealousy and suspicion from the few inches I stand from her. 

"Well, I will probably be a little bit all over the place. I like the technical side of the DEO, but for now I will be an agent on the field" Sam smiles. 

Alex then comes back with a file in her hand and gives it to Sam. She looks between all of us and sighs. 

"I was hoping to catch you before Kara got here but I'm glad you're still alive" Alex mutters. 

"Alive? What am I missing here?" Sam at her confused. Alex opens the file and skims through it quickly. I see her point at something.

"Read this part first and you should be good. The rest you can read later" Alex responds. 

I turn to Kara as Sam reads and I give her a raised brow.

"What?" she questions. 

"Sam is not going to do anything. Play nice" I warn teasingly. Kara has a blush on her cheeks and ducks her head. I get on my tiptoes and kiss her cheek. 

"I love you" I whisper. 

"I love you too" she murmurs shyly. 

I noticed that Sam has turned her attention back to us but is mostly staring at Kara. Her eyes flick to me then back to Kara as she closes the file slowly. 

"So, what I'm hearing is that I need to be careful with how I treat Lena. I really don't want to set off Rogue Supergirl" she chuckles nervously. 

"Don't worry I'm getting better with control. She will have to really be threatened for me to go berserk" Kara smiles. Sam nods her head and smiles but it  still seems unsure. 

I roll my eyes at my wife and smile at Sam. My hand goes to my stomach and I gently rub it. I think about what our child may be like and my smile gets bigger. As I get lost in my daydream there's suddenly a flash and everything goes dark. 

Raccoons! I have finally updated lol. I thought the story needed something and the memories were kind of fading. I decided to bring them back more and theres a surprise for you later  😈 I hope youre still enjoying and please leave comments! I will see you in the next chapter!

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