➵ The Kahn Game

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!!! I accidently deleted the previous chapter, and realised that I don't have it's drafts or anything, so I'll have to rewrite it all over again :(

For those who haven't read it yet, here's a short summary for you:

STOLEN KISSES: The girls try opening Maya's website, but reach a dead end, when nobody is able to figure out a password to the website. Spencer decided to take things into her own hands, and tried her hand at cracking the password, while Avery and her discussed how unfair Emily's predicament is. Just then Toby bursts in, demanding to know where Jason is, and gets into an argument with Spencer.  Hanna gets a message from A which alluded that Hanna was going to 'go', just like Mona was about to (Mona was being transferred to another institute) and begins freaking out. Meanwhile, Aria, Spencer and Avery find Garretts case file and finds out important timings in relation to Garrett's arrest. Avery confronts Bart Comstock, a man in the cases prosecution witness list, and finds out from him that Maya got into a car with Garrett the night she was murdered. Later that night, Avery comforts a heartbroken Aria, who was upset about Ezra's mothers snobby attitude. She later talks to Ben, who was still curious about A, and continuously prods into what A was up to. Toby comes to talk to Ben about a police program, and Avery feels like something had changed in Toby's demeanour. Brushing her worries aside, Avery meets the other girls, sans Emily, at Spencer's house. Spencer had cracked the password to the website with Caleb's help. The website contained multitudes of videos arranged randomly, and the girls watched each of them, one by one, before stopping at a video where Maya calls herself a coward. Police lights reflect off of her face, and Avery wonders if what she said were her last words. They decide that they should watch the rest of the videos with Emily, and call her, but the Fields girl doesn't pick up.

I apologize once again for this crude summary, but I'll get back to writing the chapter, after a while :):) !!!

The birds singing a happy song in woods, bore a stark contrast to the aura enveloping a certain table of 3 at The Brew

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The birds singing a happy song in woods, bore a stark contrast to the aura enveloping a certain table of 3 at The Brew.

"Okay, I understand you're really upset right now, but can you please just look at this? It's a photo of Maya", an overexcited Aria begged, shoving her cell phone in front of Spencer's face.

"Yeah, I saw it", Spencer huffed.

"I found it on her website last night, Spence. Look."

"There is a stamp on her wrist that matches the one Emily remembers from that night", Avery explained, "Holden really did see her there."

Spencer dryily nodded, as Aria gaped at the taller brunette, "Why are you not all go-go-gadget about this? This is big! This is a real link between Maya and that night. Look!"

"Aria, I can't do this anymore, okay? I cannot keep running around looking for clues, I can't spend hours hacking into websites. Five days ago I literally forgot to apply to college. Do you get that? First I drive Toby out of town, and now this.", Spencer exclaimed, nesting her head in her face.

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