➵ The Homecoming Hangover

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The   lights flickered overhead, as the four girls stood in the middle of the   hallway, confused as to what to do

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The   lights flickered overhead, as the four girls stood in the middle of the   hallway, confused as to what to do.

"Um,   why don't we split up?", Avery suggested.

"Um,   why don't we not?", Hanna shot back.

"Hanna,   you can come with me", Aria placed an arm on Hanna's.

"There   has to be a better way", Spencer groaned exasperated, before turning to look   at Aria, frantically typing away,"Who are you calling?"

"I'm   trying her until she picks up."

A   familiar ring sounded from across the hall. No doubt, it was Emily's phone.   The girls rushed towards the source of the ring. The chemistry lab. Their   hearts plummeted in fear. There were numerous beakers shattered all over the   floor, shelves toppled over, and was that-

"Blood?",   Hanna gasped.

"Don't   go there, Han", Spencer warned.

"Why   not", Aria shot back," She was up here with Toby."

"She   will be alright", Avery tried to convince her friends, despite the loud   thrumming of her own heart.

»» ««

The   faint chatter of the dispatch radio could be heard. Luckily, Emily was found   to be in the hospital, completely safe, apart from a stitch in her head and a broken wrist.

"It   was all in his shrink's file", Aria explained, as she, Spencer and Avery   gathered around a wounded Emily's bed,"Toby and Jenna had a relationship."

"Way   beyond step-siblings", Spencer added scrunching her nose slightly in disgust.

"Yeah,   they were involved", Avery sighed. "Romantically?", Emily questioned.

"I   doubt I'd call it romantic. I doubt she had much of a choice."

"And   that's what Alison saw when she threw the stink bomb", Aria muttered.

"Yeah,   and she threatened to expose Toby, which is why he wanted her dead.", Spencer   concluded,"And not just her,us."

"Okay,   we can't just assume things", Avery  rolled her eyes at Spencer,   before turning to Emily," We're saying it's a possibility."

Emily   didn't look convinced.

"You   don't believe us?", Spencer exclaimed incredulously.

"I   do", Emily hesitates, "I just don't get it. If Toby killed Alison and wanted   to do the same to me, then why am I sitting in my bed and not in a body bag?"

Avery   mused, " Emily does have a point. I mean, why go through all the trouble of   bringing her to a hospital? If his goal was to kill her off, he would have   had done it already." She turned to see Emily slightly wincing at her   statement,"Sorry Em."

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