➵Know Your Frenemies

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"Hi. I'm plannin' a surprise visit For my husband, and he cannot stop talkin' about the room he had on his last visit", Spencer gushes over the phone, glancing over at Avery who was biting back a laugh, "Can you pull up that reservation? His name is Ian Thomas."

Emily rolled her eyes, "Why are you doing this?"

Spencer places a finger over the microphone of the phone, "I think Ian and Alison were together, the weekend before she disappeared. Do you remember how Alison was acting when she got home from visiting her grandmother? All giggles and tan?"

Avery furrowed her eyebrows, "Yeah. Ali hated old people."

"And Ali's grandmother lives in Georgia. Hilton Head is in South Carolina."

Avery gritted her teeth in realization, "She was lying to us."

Emily shrugged, "So what? Alison lied more than she breathed. You think that was enough to make Ian want to permanently shut her up?"

"Wow. I thought you'd be happy to hear it was anybody but Toby", Spencer countered.

"All Toby wanted was for me to believe him", Emily sighed, "And I didn't."

"Toby lied about a lot of things too, Em."

Avery scoffed, "If lying was a crime, we would all be in jail."

Avery suddenly noticed a tall, tan woman approaching the three girls, a drink gripped tightly in her hand.

"Agent Cooper", Avery exclaimed, "Good morning."The two other girls offered the older woman right-lipped smiles.

The older woman smiled at the three girls, "Hi. Beautiful day, huh?"

The girls nodded in response, as they noticed a familiar blondie making her way towards the small group. Emily joked, "Looks like someone traded in her wheels for heels."

Hanna rolled her eyes, "They're flats, but they are Ferragamos."

Avery heard Spencer concluding the call hastily, a downcast expression on her face.

"The food in this town is to die for. I'm missing it already", the agent raves, oblivious to the girls' discomfort.

"Are you going somewhere?", Emily politely enquired.

"Came here to find the person that killed your friend. Toby Cavanaugh may be out on bail, But he's not leaving town, and we have a solid case against him. So, unless you have a reason for me to stay....", Agent Cooper trailed off, before Hanna interrupted, "Well, I guess we'll see you around, then."

"You girls take care." Saying so, the woman got up from her place and headed off. As soon as the Agent went out of sight, the girls began grilling Spencer for answers.

Spencer looked at the ceiling, "Ian was definitely at hilton head the same weekend Ali was."

Hanna mused, "Maybe we do have a reason for Cooper to stay."

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