Chapter 3- Happy Anniversary, Chuuya

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This chapter has been edited.

This chapter contains mature and sexual content.
NSFW warning.

I placed my hat on the hat rack along with my coat before pulling my knife from it's sheath on my belt.

I continued in cautiously as to not alert any intruder. I made my way into the living room, the first thing I noticed was the empty wine bottle on the table. When I had left, it had been less than halfway which concluded that someone had broken in.

Who would want to break into a Port Mafia executive's house unless they had a death wish? It was that thought that sparked the idea of who it may be.

I heard the creaking of some floorboards come from behind me. Swinging my knife back quickly, I stopped it just before it could cut into the bastard's throat.

He stood there with his hands in his pockets as he smirked down at me. He didn't move away from the blade that pressed against his throat, all he did was look at me with those deep brown and dangerous eyes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in my house, jackass?" I growled out, looking up at him as my grip tightened on the handle of my blade.

He chuckled. "I had come here to ask you a question but it would appear that you're not in the mood for it," Dazai said as he gave a closed eyed smile with a slight head tilt.

I cocked an eyebrow in confusion, "A question? You broke into my house all for a stupid question?" I asked, removing my knife from his throat. I placed it back into its sheath before placing my hands on my hips. "And you're right, I'm not in the mood for your stupid questions but if it gets you to leave then hurry up and ask."

"Oh come on, Chuuya," Dazai uttered in a low tone, the sound almost dangerous. "I can't ask when you're being hostile and aggressive like that. I need you in the right mood before I can ask you."

The way he said that, made a chill run up my spine. I knew how Dazai operated, knew when there was motive in his venomous words.

I scowled but tried to remain calm so I wouldn't kick him through my wall. "Okay, fine," I seethed through clutched teeth. "How do you manage to put me in the right mood then, Dazai?"

Dazai, who had had his eyes closed this whole time, finally opened them and what I saw surprised me. They weren't the eyes of the mysterious detective, but, the lustful eyes of my former lover. The eyes that hooked me in that one night at that party. The eyes that were dangerous yet thrilling. The eyes that I'd look into and know that he loved me without even speaking a word.

My own eyes widen, awestruck that I would actually get to see that look again after four brutally lonely years.

Dazai took this opportunity to step closer, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling my body against his. My hands rest on his chest while my eyes continued to stare back into dark brown ones.

"I figured I'd seduce you until you were in a better mood," he coaxed smoothly as he tilted his head to the side slightly, his smirk devious like I was prey he had just caught in one of his well planned traps.

That's because I was prey. Prey that always came back for more until he left again. Dazai was a predator but usually it was always for me. Not many people in the Port Mafia really knew the actual relationship Dazai and I had other than a few.

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