Chapter 32- For the Tainted Sorrow

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Haha! Bet you guys we're expecting another chapter in the same weekend!

You will need tissues and maybe a therapist.
Lots of fluff
Brief panic attack
Description of violence, blood, and major injuries
Character death

The university's campus was the same as it was every other time I've come here. I had stopped at the office to receive a visitors pass which I was given kindly as I have been here on many occasions.

I walked into one of the building, the long stretch of corridor greeting me as I entered. It was a place that anyone could easily get lost in but fortunately for me, I knew where I was going.

I made my way deeper into the building, looking at each door as I passed. When I reached the one I was looking for, I slid it open slowly so I didn't make too much noise and disrupt the lecture taking place.

"It's a matter of fact versus opinion." Dazai stood in the front of the classroom, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed over his chest. "For intense, to me, I'd say I'm a very good looking man. That is fact to me, however, for all of you, your minds may have different thoughts on that statement."

One of his students raised her hand, a girl with brown curly hair.

Dazai pointed to her. "Yes? Are you asking to give your opinion?" He smirked as the class laughed, including the girl.

She pointed towards the door, towards me. "My opinion is that your husband is hotter than you."

The classroom got louder with laughter as I smirked, throwing a wink at my husband as he looked at me.

He smiled, turning his attention back to his class. "A+, Ms. Hana for that completely accurate fact."

He looked back at me, a sweet smile on his expression. "Hello, love, what bring you to my classroom? Planning on joining the lecture?"

I tilted my head. "Sure, I'll play the part of the teacher's pet."

Dazai's students were getting a kick out of our conversation. One of his students raised their hand and Dazai called on them.

"Mr. Chuuya, if you had a superpower what would it be?" The boy asked as he leaned on his desk.

"A very good question. One that we can actually tie into our lesson," Dazai sounded impressed. I walked over and sat down in his chair, waiting for him to finish his lecture. "What do you think his superpower would be?"

The boy thought for a moment. "Maybe the power to read minds?"

Dazai laughed. "He has that one, but it only ever works on me. Apparently, it came with the marriage."

I leaned forward and smacked him on the back playfully. His hand reached back and took mine in his, his thumb running over my knuckles.

"So, that answer was your opinion of what you think his superpower would be." He pointed to another student, a boy in the front with glasses. "Kishi, what do you think would be Chuuya's superpower?"

"Um, super strength?"

Dazai nodded, thinking about it. "Someone so short with super strength sounds terrifying." I smacked him again only for him to hold onto my hand once more.

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