Chapter 12- What It Could Cost Me

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This chapter has
Mentions of suicide

Chuuya's P.O.V

I didn't know how to feel about the look Dazai had when he had left the cafe. It was a look I hadn't seen in almost five years and his voice when he had spoken seemed soulless and empty, like there was nothing inside him.

It's been four hours since then, and I've been out of that damn cafe for two of those, not once have I heard from Dazai.

I know I probably shouldn't be so worried since it is Dazai but I couldn't shake the feeling of something being off.

I did feel a bit guilty about flirting with Fueki, knowing that Dazai could hear what was being said. Damn, not only flirting but agreeing to go on a date with the guy even though it was only to get information my way.

But Dazai didn't know that.

All Dazai probably knew was that the Boss had me undercover. He didn't know what for or who I was supposed to be there for, just that I had a mission to carry out.

But the signs were there, warning me to quit while I was ahead. Even now, as I laid on the sofa in my office at the Port Mafia building, the look he had when I looked at him pierced my heart like a poison arrow.

I thought back to the scene at the cafe, my heart aching with everything I did.

("Hello, Master Fueki. I apologize for the wait, I got caught up talking with an old friend that came in," I spoke as pleasantly as I could. I also wasn't going to ignore the fact that Dazai looked over as soon as I said a word.

"That's perfectly fine, I'm a patient man, especially if my patience lets me be rewarded by your presence," Fueki said, he had a flirtatious sound to his voice.

"Then, shall we proceed with my questions to get to know you?" I was trying not to grimace under his gaze and how he was speaking to me. He wasn't even trying to be subtle about his flirting. I swore that I was going to have some choice words with both the Boss and Kouyou when I got back.

"Please do."

I had to play it off like I was interested in what I was asking him. So, I folded one arm, cupping my elbow as I tapped my cheek with the index finger of my other hand.

"What sort of work do you do?" Was the first question I could think of that may be able to give me something useful.

Fueki smirked, his eyes wondering about my form. "I work for a small organization in Yokohama. It has some really handsome pay, probably a lot more than a waitress job."

Did this asshole really just claim he was making a better living than me? From the statement alone, I could tell he was the type of person to flex his money about, like he could buy anything he wanted just to impress. People like him made me sick.

"I see, what does your organization do? Manufacturing? Shipping? Retail?" Depending on the answer, I could extract some sort of possibility for what he and his company really did.

"You could say we're more like a collecting agency." He took this moment to take a sip of his coffee, hiding smile behind the mug.

Collecting agency? Like information collection? It made sense since he had someone snooping around the Port Mafia. But what for? It's true that Port Mafia information has it's value, someone may say it's almost like gold.

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