Chapter 23- The Mind Can Be Fragile

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Description of violence and loss of consciousness
CPR was used during thing chapter (Am not CPR expert nor am I certified, so I may be wrong. I googled it.)

The explosion had come from the back of the warehouse where Haruko and I had entered earlier.

"An explosion!?" Atsushi whirled around, looking towards the direction of the scene.

"That must be were Chuuya is," I said, trying to steady myself as the ground shook.

Atsushi looked at me. "So, Chuuya is here?"

"Yeah and from what she was saying, we should probably hurry and get to him."

Another explosion, this one more powerful than the last as it knocked both Atsushi and I off our feet. While trying to steady ourselves, Yuki took it as an opportunity.

She pulled herself to her knees, quickly standing and running towards the direction of the explosion.

"Shit! She's getting away!" I yelled. The shaking began to die down again, allowing us to regain our balance.

After everything evened out, I looked at Atsushi and nodded. He returned one of his own, understanding what to do. We began to pursue the woman and hopefully find Chuuya while we're at it.

I didn't know why it felt so important to make sure that Chuuya was alright but there was something telling me that I had to help him, even if he was an enemy.

After making our way around different crates, we came across an area that was practically destroyed from what had taken place there. Standing among that was Chuuya, breathing heavy but still standing. He had lost his long coat somewhere and his hat was missing as well.

He was looking up, and my guess was that was where Fuyuhiro was to be. I looked and was correct. Standing on the catwalk was Fuyuhiro and his sister, who was now free from her handcuffs.

A chuckle came from the ginger in front of us, like he was having the time of his life. "As much as I join a good fight, I came as I was ordered to do and did my job." Chuuya straightened himself, seeming to be done with this battle. "It's time for me to get going, I have an idiot to get out of the hospital."

The red aura surrounded him again, as well as things around him. They began to float up as his previous smirk shifted to a more serious expression. The objects that Chuuya was manipulating with his gravity began moving faster before flying towards the two on the catwalk.

They dodged, running to avoid being hit as the redhead continued. I looked towards the end of the catwalk, noting that it was through a door on the far wall.

"Hey, Kid, follow the catwalk to catch the off guard." I pointed towards the door that would get him to the ladder that they would most likely be taking.

"What about you?" Atsushi asked looking where I had pointed.

"I'm going to try and get up there to make sure they don't have anywhere else to go."

Atsushi nodded, taking his leave behind Chuuya so he didn't get caught in his ability. I looked up at the catwalk and down along to the other side. Running all the way down would take too much time and that was something we had limited.

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