Chapter 24- Promise Not To Leave

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Heartfelt chat
NSFW for most of second half of chapter with a rollercoaster of emotions
Talk about self harm also in second half

Dazai's P.O.V.

Trying to find Chuuya's long coat seemed like a mystery in itself. Once I did find it, I made my way to the back of the warehouse where there was ladder that was hidden by a metal door.

Opening the door, I slipped in before carefully climbing the ladder. At the top was a trapdoor that I pushed up, before continuing to climb up and out into the now night air.

The distance lights of the city and the faint sounds of car horns were a relaxing way to wind down for the day. The sky had still yet to have stars in it but the moon hung high in the dark blue.

Sitting on the ledge of the roof, his back was against the wall that led to second level. One of his legs hung off while the other was propped up next to him. The light glow of ember as he inhaled from the cigarette.

As I approached him, I noticed that he still had my trenchcoat around his shoulders. I let out a sigh as I stopped behind him.

"You're going to make my coat smell like cigarette smoke," I said setting Chuuya's long coat down beside me before I leaned back against the ledge, crossing my arms over my chest and one leg over the other. My back to the city that I could see reflecting in Chuuya's eyes.

He arched his eyebrow as he looked over at me. "I've had a long day, I don't think me smoking one cigarette will hurt your precious coat." He took another inhale, letting the end burn before removing it from his lips and breathing out the smoke. "Besides, you're the one that put the coat on me.

I smirked. "You're the one that took it hostage."

He reached over, taking his hat off my head before placing it on his own without breaking eye contact as he did. "You can have it back now that I have my coat."

My smirk widened as I took the cigarette from his hand and placed it to my lips, inhaling the awful burning taste of nicotine.

"They still taste as terrible as the last time I tried them." I pulled it away from my lips and breathed out the grey smoke before flicking it somewhere off the building.

Chuuya chuckled, "You're still just a baby."

"Oh?" I straightened up before stepping towards the small redhead. I slipped my arm around his waist as his came up to wrap around my neck. Our faces were close together, inches from contact. "And here I thought you were my baby."

His face flushed red but I could tell he wasn't opposed by the thought from the way his fingers combed through the hair on the back of my neck. He had removed his gloves before I had come up here and I was slightly thankful since now I got to feel the skin of his fingertips as they swept across the bare skin of my neck and through my hair.

He hummed, "Hey, Dazai?"

His voice had become so soft compared to how it normally was. It wasn't the voice that you'd expect from a Port Mafia Executive, especially the right hand of the organization, but it was like the sweetest sugar in the form of sound.

I could feel a rage of heat being to pool in the pit of my stomach and I knew immediately that this little mafioso will be taking responsibility for it.

"Yes, Baby?" I soothed, matching his tone a bit even though I knew this probably wasn't going to be one of those conversations.

His eyes searched mine, even in the dark, they shined like sapphires. Beautiful, blue, and captivating, like looking at the moon as it's light illuminates across the ocean. The sight is one I would never get tired of, reminding of the first time I noticed their beauty.

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