Chapter 5- Murder in the Prison

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"You're such an ass!" Chuuya said through the phone. "Not only was I late this morning because you disabled my alarm but I got asked about the little gift you left on my jawline!"

"Oh, right. I saw that when I woke up. I didn't actually mean to give you a hickey there but I guess I just got really excited last night," I said with a smile.

I heard him tsk. "I was able to make up something to tell my subordinates but it didn't get past the Boss. He even noticed the ones on my neck," he said, there was sound in the background, like car horns and the chatter of people, which meant that Chuuya wasn't at the Port Mafia headquarters.

"Did you tell him I gave them to you?" I asked curiously. I was standing on the roof of the building that the Armed Detective Agency was in. There wasn't much of a view but I thought some fresh air would nice and I decided I would call Chuuya while I was up here.

"Of course not! If I had actually told him who gave them to me, I'd be toast!" Chuuya exclaimed. "I told him I met someone yesterday and I invited them over last night."

"It's best he doesn't know. Mori may be lenient with some things but traitors aren't one of them," I said with a devious smile. "As you would know, being the Port Mafia's second in command."

"Not necessarily, the Boss likes results that benefit the Port Mafia. If I were caught dating you again, I wouldn't be executed but more like used for a plan." Chuuya said as the noise around him died out, he must have entered a building or something.

"That's true, you're too powerful an ally for him to discard. Knowing that we're together again would only better fuel his attempts at trying to get me to rejoin the Mafia." The wind began to pick up, blowing against me and making my hair sway across my face. "All though that would mean I would take your title from you like I did when we became exeut- Ow!"

I was hit hard on the head, causing me to collide with the ground of the roof. I dropped my phone. I had a good feeling I knew the person that had hit me. I sat up placing my hand to my head. I sat with my legs crossed under me.

"Why did I get hit this time?" I asked looking up at the spectacled man before me as I rubbed my head.

"Because you're slacking again, you lazy weasel!" Kunikida yelled with a scowl. "Why can't you just do your job?"

"I was actually working then I had decided to take a break and call someone," I said picking up my phone and placing it to my ear. "Are you still there, beautiful?" I said playfully into the phone.

"I am. What the hell happened? You sounded like you just ate dirt," Chuuya said with an amused tone.

"Don't sound like you enjoyed my pain, at least pretend to be worried," I responded with a frown.

"Think of it as karma for me having to deal with all the hickeys you gave me," he laughed.

"Don't ignore me!" Kunikida yelled angrily, placing his hands on his hips.

I looked up at him and gave a smile. "Just give me one minute to say bye, okay?"

Kunikida tsked. "Whatever, I only needed to inform you that we're about to go on a mission."

"Alrighty then," I said before focusing on my conversation with Chuuya. "I have to go now but I'll definitely see you later tonight."

"Alright, if you want, I can treat you by making some dinner," Chuuya said. "I haven't really been able to cook in a while and I bet you've missed it."

My mouth began to water. "Oh, that I have missed and you cooking also means you'll be wearing an apron!" I exclaimed with excitement.

"Shit! I forgot about the apron thing!" Chuuya yelled. "Oh well, guess there's no going back now." He sounded defeated.

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