Chapter 19- To Be His Partner

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Usual Dazai mention of suicide
New character introduced
Life lesson

Present day

Kunikida's P.O.V

Friday, the end of another week of precise work and scheduled planning. As far as interruptions go, not having Dazai constantly trying to commit suicide or getting into trouble, there hasn't been much to throw my schedule off balance.

10:28. Arrive in front of the office of the Armed Detective Agency, two minutes earlier than scheduled.

10:30. Make my way through the office greeting everyone that was already present.

10:32. Begin routine paperwork, making sure I still have time to take care of the cases that were originally supposed to go to Dazai.

10:47. My cellphone rings.

I pull it from my pocket, looking to see who it was calling me. Of course it had to be Dazai of all people.

Sighing, I answered and placed it to my ear, continuing to type the report I was currently working on.

"What is it, Dazai?" I replied, already knowing he's wanting something that will most likely annoy me.

"Kunikida! It's so nice to hear your voice! Has anyone told you today that you–"

I clenched my teeth, stopping in my tracks as he prattled on with stupid flattery.

"Alright, Dazai. You better tell me what it is you want before I hang up the phone and forget you ever called," I grounded out, interrupting whatever else was coming from his mouth.

I could practically hear the smile that crossed his face as he replied. "I need you to come by the hospital to see me around 3 o'clock. There's a favor I'd like to ask of you."

"Why not just ask it now and save me the trouble of having to see your idiotic face?" I countered before hearing Jun'ichiro and Kenji snicker a little from behind me, most likely knowing who I was talking to.

"Don't be so mean, Kunikida!" Dazai whined over the phone. "You know you love seeing me. Plus, I have some information for you!" The last part, even though probably serious, was still as enthusiastic as the rest of his sentence.

"What sort of information could you have gotten while sitting in a hospital bed? Aside from some nurse's num–"

I stopped myself, remembering that Dazai was already in a relationship. A relationship with the Port Mafia's most powerful ability user.

"Back before I left the Port Mafia, Chuuya was my boyfriend."

Dazai had told me that he and Chuuya had been together before in the past but he never mentioned anything about them getting back together.

"Last I checked, you had no lover."

"Have you checked in the last 24 hours?"

I should have realized it when he said that. Dazai had secrets and he knew how to hide them well. A little too well sometimes. If he didn't want us to find out about their relationship, he wouldn't have dropped any sort of hint about it.

"That'll all be explained when you get here. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time so you can redo your schedule," Dazai replied with a carefree tone.

I frown, annoyed. "How very considerate of you," I sarcastically remarked. "Alright, I'll be there."

"Wonderful! Don't be late, Kunikida!" He chuckled before hanging up.

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