Chapter 27- Only a Diamond Can Polish Another Diamond

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More Soukoku past stuff
Poor Chuuya to some degree *Evil laughter*

I approached the men that stood outside of the Boss's office. They stepped aside before bowing with respect as I pushed open the double doors.

I took a deep breath as I walked through, preparing myself for what the Boss was needing me for. He mentioned that he wished to know more information about my mission last night but I knew what he really wanted to know.

"Please, Elise! If you wear this, I'll take you to that bakery you like!" The pleads of my Boss made me stop, the doors closing behind me as I looked at the scene before me.

He was on his knees holding a small red hat with a pink bow on it. In front of him was a young girl with long blonde hair and big blue eyes. She had her arms crossed over her chest as she turned her head away from the man in front of him.

"No! I don't want to wear the hat!" She argued making the Boss sigh.

"Come on, my Dear! It matches your dress even! I put a lot of thought into it!" He gave it another attempt only for her to shake her head.

As entertaining as it was to see Elise have more balls than the rest if the Mafia, I wanted to get this meeting over with.

I cleared my throat, catching the attention of the both of them. I walked over and gave Elise a sweet smile. "Elise, is there a reason you don't like the hat?"

She puffed her cheeks as her attention turned towards me. "It's not that I don't like it, I'm just tired of Rintaro asking me to wear things!"

The Boss had a look of defeat on his face at her words. I gently took the hat from him and examined it.

I bent down in front of her, giving her a grin. "You know, it kinda looks like my hat. The color is different but it does resemble mine in shape." I placed the hat onto her head as she stared at me. "I think the Boss better be careful or else the boys at that bakery may just eat you up."

She laughed as she turned towards the Boss. "Chuuya is better at this than you are, Rintaro!"

He looked at me, a giving me a smile. "It's only natural that he be good at taking care of children when he spent his younger years protecting them." His smile shifted to a smirk, all to knowing and dangerous. "Isn't that right, Chuuya?"

I swallowed the lump that was starting to form in my throat. "Yes, Boss." We stood up as Elise ran off to look in the mirror. "I believe you called me in here for something other than persuading Elise to put that hat on?"

"Indeed, I did." He placed his hands behind his back as he turned and walked towards the large window overlooking the city. "I received a brief report last night, and you told me you would give me a complete one today."

His eyes moved towards me, the smirk still on his face. "What did you learn from Mr. Fueki Shingo?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, even just the mention of his name made me feel gross. "Aside from being a perverted dickweed," I heard the Boss chuckle at that. "He didn't give me much, but he did tell me they call themselves the Society of Shadows and that there is an Elite group of Gifted users that work under their Boss."

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